Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Honesty - Aryan Sirvi

Aryan Sirvi

Honesty means being truthful, i.e., developing a practice of speaking truth throughout life. A person who practices honesty in life possesses a strong moral character. An honest person shows good behaviour, follows the rules, maintains discipline, and speaks the truth. Lying, cheating, lack of trust, steal, and greed have no space in honesty. Honesty is the most important value in life. We need to be honest with others as well as we should be honest with ourselves.

There are also famous quotes by famous personalities as 'Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom'. It holds good due to its ability to build, shape, and motivates integral respect in one's life. A person with honesty is respected by all. To build a character of honesty depends on his/her family values, ethics, and his/her surrounding and environment. Parents showing honest behaviour in front of their children also impacts the children as we say that 'Honesty lies in the genes'. 

An honest person is always known for his honesty, just like a sun is known for its eternal light and ultimate energy. Dishonest people may easily get people's trust, but this doesn't last too long when they are caught. Being dishonest is a sin in all religions, but people often practice it for short-time benefits. They never become morally strong, and their life becomes miserable. We should be honest in life as it is a must needed quality in one's life. 

Aryan Sirvi 
Class Xll Science
The Fabindia School

Courage - Abhilasha Mansion

Abhilasha Mansion
Courage is the mental and emotional preparedness and ability to deal with difficulties and challenges. Each person possesses this value, and his or her life must deal with various life challenges.

I recall an incident that took place a few days ago at the Vangani station in Mumbai. A person named Mayur Shelkar saved a baby's life in front of the train. The baby was playing at the station, and his mother was blind. While playing, he fell on the track. As his mother was blind, she knew nothing about it. The train got too close to the baby. Mayur Shelkar saw this and ran to save the baby without thinking about his own life. And he picked the baby safely from the front of the train and saved his life. This is true courage.

Abhilasha Mansion 
Class VIII A
The Fabindia School

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Respect - Jaydeep Sompura

Giving importance and respecting people and their feelings, valuing them and their thoughts is the strongest and the most important value to live by.  Respect is a value which builds feelings of trust, safety and wellbeing. Being polite is one of the easiest ways to show respect. So lets have a look at this adorable art work by Jaydeep Sompura of Class III at The Fabindia School. He has beautifully described what 'Respect' means to him. 
Give Respect, Get Respect

Success - Harshwardhan Parmar

Harshwardhan Parmar
Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence. Will power always has a successful shower. The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal; it lies in not having a goal. We must not look at our past mistakes but be courageous and keep moving ahead. Success is nothing but one’s happiness when we fulfil our desires. 

Most men have not achieved their destination because they had some talent or opportunity, but they presented what was at hand and achieved success. Fortune favours the brave. Many people who have waited for their luck to help them have won, and those who did their hard work by themselves had lost. It happens, but one shouldn’t lose hope. As rightly said, “Failure is the stepping stone to success". All great personalities and personages, who have left indelible prints of their lives on the sands of eternity, are the men and women who converted their failures into success. 

All successes originate in the mind. First of all, it makes its presence felt in the form of a vision, idea, inspiration, or a dream. Turning the mental concept into tangible reality requires a long effort and perseverance. The entire course that leads to the successful realization of one’s dream is ridden with obstacles, discouragements, failures, and setbacks. The person who wishes to be successful and is discouraged by failures can never taste the manna of success. The truth is our failures are our stepping stones by whose medium we reach success.

Harshwardhan Parmar
XII Humanities
The Fabindia School

Sunday, 16 May 2021

My Family - Aarav Solanki

Aarav Solanki of Class UKG at The Fabindia School talks about his lovely family.  He affectionately shares with his family members, their family tree. Families are important, they provide affection, support and reflect the values of the members. Family members lead each other, serve each other and share life's joys and sorrows.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Happy Teachers bring learning to life!


The future of education will be built on immutable values alone:
Appreciation, Caring, Cooperation, Courage, Freedom, Friendship, Happiness, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Love, Patience, Peace, Quality, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, Thoughtfulness, Tolerance, Trust, Understanding & Unity. Listen to stories retold by our happy teachers for our student's community.

Friday, 14 May 2021

Joy Of Learning only on Vurbl

Revolutionary Audio Platform Vurbl Secures Exclusive Audio Content Deals with National and Local Non-Profit Organizations.

“For the first time, non-profit organizations will be able to publish their audio archives in a way that can be discovered by audiences that care about their cause,” said Audra Gold, Founder and CEO of Vurbl. “Video centric platforms like YouTube were previously the only available free option for these non-profits to upload and share their audio content. As a result, much of their incredible archival audio content has been sitting in storage, not accessible to anyone because there was nowhere to put it where it could be found and consumed at scale. By making this audio available on their exclusive Vurbl stations, these non-profits now have unprecedented access to listeners all around the world.”

Vurbl appoints Sandeep Dutt as the Ambassador for Teaching and Learning. As a School Improvement Coach, my focus is on school transformation, emphasising culture as a service. Over 30 years of experience empowered thousands of teachers and touched the lives of near a million children.

You will love the stories shared by our happy teachers and passionate educators.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Responsibility - Himanshi Rajpurohit

COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person.  

Stay Home, Stay Safe
We all know that nowadays what is going on around us. It is such a difficult time for all of us, but soon we hope to be relieved from this situation. For this we have to be first be very responsible about maintaining proper distance among people; wearing a mask; sanitising hands every  10 - 15 minutes and after touching anything outside the house. However, being responsible doesn't mean that if you are wearing a mask and then you change and throw off the previous mask here and there. This is big irresponsible because in being safe you are harming our nature by throwing such things anywhere.

COVID-19 spreads primarily from person to person. Fighting this disease is our joint responsibility. Protect yourself and others by making some simple precautions in our daily life like while coughing or sneezing we should cover our mouth with our elbow. We should also avoid touching our mouth, eyes, and nose when we are outside. 

Most importantly we should clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Let us become responsible and fight together against the COVID-19 Pandemic.

" Stay Home, Stay Safe"

Himanshi Rajpurohit
Class IX
The Fabindia School

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Respect - Tamanna Solanki

Tamanna Solanki
Respect is the most recurring human value among all other human values. It is of two types: self-respect (self-esteem) and respect for others. I think we all learn it by experience. It can't be inherent, but it is learned very early in life through various experiences. It is as simple as acknowledging the presence of the other being. Mere recognizing and accepting the point of view of the other person and giving him or her due consideration is showing respect. We can be respectful of anyone's deeds, opinions, rights, dignity, decisions, likes or dislikes, etc.

Before learning how to respect others, I, rather, naturally go through a journey to recognize how it feels to be respected. I simply feel respected when my parents listen to me, when they ask my opinion on trivial family matters, when my mentors acknowledge my curiosity, doubts and responses. I feel respected when my friends consider my opinion and collaborate and cooperate with me now and then. And all these things taught me to be respectful to others irrespective of their age. This develops self-esteem, which also gives us confidence and courage and a very positive feeling. 

Most of the time, when we respect others, we are likely to get it back. But, I feel we can never be certain that giving respect ensures getting respect. As the saying goes, "Respect is not demanded; it is commanded". So, for commanding respect, we need to become worthy of others' respect. Since we are living in a society, respect for others is a must value to inculcate. And this can be done only when we respect ourselves first.

In the end, I would like to say that respect is a vital human value that is necessary for adapting to social behaviour and, therefore human survival.

Tamanna Solanki 
Class VII
The Fabindia School 

Monday, 3 May 2021

Honesty and Respect - Tanishi Chitara

Tanishi Chitara 
Honesty and Respect are essential hallmarks of healthy relationships. In healthy relationships, people talk honestly, listen well, trust and respect each additional. Honesty is a vital character trait that every individual should possess. The possession of this trait is very beneficial for a person’s whole life. 

Honesty is the courage to speak the truth and reject disloyalty. At the same time, respect is a way of treating or thinking about someone. People respect others who are impressive for any reason, such as being in authority – like a teacher or cop or grandparents. We show respect by being polite and kind.

We are taught early that honesty is a great virtue; one must give respect to earn respect, and learning compassion requires standing in someone else’s shoes. All of these are pretty ideas. After all, people don’t want to be lied to; they want to be respected for who they are. I think it’s best summed up by the adage, “Treat others the way you wish to be treated.” 

Tanishi Chitara 
Class III
The Fabindia School

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Honesty and Respect - Divyanshi Upadhyay

Honesty and Respect are existing in India till ancient times. Honest people are being respected by the public in the past. People were not only honest to each other, but they also respected each other and their ideas. Some examples of honesty are Raja Harishchandra and Yudhishthira (Also called Dharamraja ). Respect matters a lot to the ancient people. They respected their elders as well as youngsters. 

With time, the meaning of honesty and respect has been changed very much. Today honesty has the same value for some people. In today's world, where crime is prevailing everywhere globally, some people have respect for honesty. Honesty pays, but one should have patience. Respect is like a give and takes matter. If you give someone respect, you will get the same respect in return. 

Divyanshi Upadhyay 
Class VIII B
The Fabindia School

Reflections Since 2021