Saturday, 1 May 2021

Honesty and Respect - Divyanshi Upadhyay

Honesty and Respect are existing in India till ancient times. Honest people are being respected by the public in the past. People were not only honest to each other, but they also respected each other and their ideas. Some examples of honesty are Raja Harishchandra and Yudhishthira (Also called Dharamraja ). Respect matters a lot to the ancient people. They respected their elders as well as youngsters. 

With time, the meaning of honesty and respect has been changed very much. Today honesty has the same value for some people. In today's world, where crime is prevailing everywhere globally, some people have respect for honesty. Honesty pays, but one should have patience. Respect is like a give and takes matter. If you give someone respect, you will get the same respect in return. 

Divyanshi Upadhyay 
Class VIII B
The Fabindia School

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