Monday, 21 June 2021

Friendship - Dakshita Sirvi

I have a friend who tells jokes.
I have a friend who mocks.
I have a friend who shares. 
I have a friend who cares.
I have a friend who understands.
I have a friend who guides.
I have a friend who is wise and funny.
I have a friend who is always stunning.
I have a friend who corrects my mistakes.
I have a friend who reads my face.
I have a friend who is sometimes irritating.
I have a friend who is always celebrating
I have a friend who is more than a friend
I have a friend whose friendship itself is a brand...
You all may think I have many friends but to be honest, all these friends are just one person.

Dakshita Sirvi
Class IX B
The Fabindia School 

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