Saturday, 20 November 2021

Cooperation - Anushri Palnitkar

Real life experience of cooperation by Anushri Palnitkar. 


Hello everyone, today I am going to be sharing my story
when my mom cooperated with me. Once my class was going on
and my teacher gave me a homework and told me to submit it till
4:00 p.m. When the class ended, I started doing my homework, and
the battery of my laptop drained out. In the other room my mom was
working. My laptop was getting charged but I had to wait, when I
went to my mom, she asked me what happened? I said “ My laptop
is getting charged ’’. I was sad because I was not able to do
homework. So, my mom gave her laptop to me and said “ I will do
my work later, you do your homework now”. And this is how my
mom cooperated with me. Hope you liked my experience. Thank you!

Name: Anushri Palnitkar
Grade: 5A
Billabong High International School, Thane

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