Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Cooperation - Bhumika Nimbark

Cooperation means working together to achieve a common goal. It could be of many types like cooperation between groups, pairs, direct, indirect, and even between humans and robots. Cooperation is a kind of social interaction which is an essential factor in teamwork. Without cooperation, a team won't achieve its goal no matter how hard it works. 

There was an incident in my life that made me understand the importance of cooperation. In class 8, I was selected for a drama performance at the Annual Day function. As it was to be staged in front of guests, parents, principal, teachers, and the rest of the school, I was nervous, and so were the rest of the team members. Because I was a new girl and didn't have many friends, I lost my confidence; I was worried that I would spoil the performance because of my nervousness. Still, in that situation, 2 factors made my team successful, authentic leadership of the leader and the cooperation of the team members. I thought in a group, if a leader doesn't work well, the team won't succeed, but before that, cooperation of the team members is much more critical. 

So, if the team members cooperate without any dispute or jealousy, then that team will achieve its goal and succeed in every possible way.

Bhumika Nimbark
Class X B
The Fabindia School

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