Monday, 20 December 2021

Courage - Arindita

Courage means to face and overcome your fears. Being courageous doesn't mean having no worries but means overcoming them. People may have concerns like Acrophobia, Arachnophobia etc., but a brave person will fight it and go on.

Being courageous will help build your confidence because you won't be afraid of scary things and will prevent nervousness. It will also help you push away obstacles coming into your way and keep yourself calm to find your way out of certain situations and face them.

Courageous people are respected by all. One of the best examples is the Defense forces like army, navy, air force etc. They work for our defence no matter how fearful and dangerous the situation is. They never let their fears get to them, and that's why they leave a mark in other people's life. So, be courageous, be fearless, and you will indeed find success.

Grade V
Gyanshree School

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