Monday, 27 December 2021

Courage - Somnath

Courage is one of the best qualities of a human being. Courage means to go against your fears and do something. This courage of Indian soldiers in the Siachen borders motivates them to protect our country in such extreme conditions.

My uncle is hydrophobic, and he doesn’t even go near a pool. One summer evening, we were driving along the banks of river Hooghly in Kolkata. It was a hot and wet summer evening. My father parked the car near the banks to enjoy the cool breeze. All of a sudden, we could hear a strange noise. It seemed that someone was wailing. We saw a tiny brown puppy stuck in the mud near the river when we went near. The mother dog tried to rescue it but couldn’t, wailing helplessly. We did not know what to do. To all or surprise, my uncle jumped in the muddy river and rescued the little pup and brought it back to its mother. We were all astonished. A person with fear for water had actually shown the courage and had gone against his fears to save the little pup. Courage gives the person the strength to fight against his mental weakness and do something good. 

We should be courageous and use it for helping others and for doing good to society.

Class 6 D

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