Monday, 10 January 2022

Appreciation - Rishona Chopra

Appreciation is to appreciate as in to be grateful and thankful for something. 
Most of us have so much to appreciate, but we still take time for finding mistakes and forget to embrace all the privileges we have and don't appreciate that. There shall always be greed for more, but it's on us to know how to control it, appreciate what we have, avoid finding what we don't have and stop this greed for more.

I know finding out mistakes is easier and catchy to talk about. I faced this problem myself! Although I have a lot to appreciate, I used to find what I didn't have. I have worked on that mistake and have stopped complaining and enjoying what I have. It's a little tricky but the moment you think about the things you have - a home, good clothes, education which most people might not even have you feeling happy and grateful for what you have. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade - V
Gyanshree School

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