Thursday, 27 January 2022

Be a Dreamer - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Shambhavi Nautiyal, VII-D, Ahlcon Public School
I am a keen story writer and reader. I try to learn as much as I can and remember those stories to rejuvenate myself and not lose hope in the end. I am a big fan of K-pop as the music soothes my soul and makes me feel effervescent. The 17th-century films helped me learn values and set my beliefs.

Reflecting on Chapter 7, Be a Dreamer from the book Is Your Child Ready To Face The World? by Dr Anupam Sibal.

I read the chapter ‘Be a Dreamer’ from the book ‘Is your Child Ready to Face the World?’ and it said that Dr Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream for his nation to be racially equal, and so I thought that I too must have a dream and ambition for my nation. Hence, I have come up with postulation of our country with an optimistic motive. 

My dream for India in 2040 is that we would be free from illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. I hope we shall benefit from all the schemes and programmes our government has launched. The international organizations we have joined, such as the United Nations, are supposed to improve our country’s economic and environmental state. Through this drawing (below), I envision India’s technology and environment both to become stable and sustainable. Nowadays, it’s difficult for technology to be efficient and at the same time harmless for the environment. I also ideate that the youth who go through education, designed according to the national education policy, will help us solve the problem. This drawing shows the time when we’d be thanking our government for forming the new NEP 2020 and joining the United Nations for the Sustainable Development Goals, as the outcomes would be drastic. This will change our youth’s lives a lot.

My Drawing

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