Sunday, 23 January 2022

Constitution: Our Pride - Archita Saxena

The Constitution of India was created for each citizen of India. It has rules and duties in it. It was completed in 1950. The Constitution is a book filled with fundamental rights and responsibilities. Some rights of the Constitution are- the right against exploitation, right of freedom of speech, emotions, professions and trade, right to freedom, right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights and right to constitutional remedies and right of equality. The laws are written in the Constitution ensure that our country is not in chaos. We also have essential duties, and with these duties, we can help our country progress. These duties are to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem, cherish and follow the noble ideals that inspired our national struggle for freedom, and uphold and protect the sovereignty and unity of India. 

India became a republic on 26th January 1950 when it adopted the Constitution. We celebrate this day as Republic Day to show our gratitude and respect toward our Constitution. 

We should always respect our Constitution and always follow the laws defined by it. 
I am proud of our Constitution. It makes India a great nation. 
I am proud to be an Indian citizen. 

Archita Saxena
Grade 3
Gyanshree School

1 comment:

  1. Well done 👌👌👌 dear.. very well written and explained.. proud of you my child 🥰


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