Podar International School
Thursday, 31 March 2022
If Mars was Compatible for life- Aanya Kumar
Podar International School
Fun in the Office - Snoopy
Alright, I need to wear my glasses and be all set. I am making a presentation. (After a lot of hard work and perseverance). To be honest, I have no idea what I have made. Oh no! Mr Bobo's boss is here. (I jump out of the chair and hide).
The boss looks at what I have made, and here comes trouble. Mr Bobo's here!
"Mr Bobo, this is what you have made.."
" Oh no! sir, this is.." replies Mr Bobo.
" Say no more; this presentation is probably the best to present to our clients. Well Done!".
" Oh yes, of course, thank you". Mr Bobo got the shock of his life.
So you see, Snoppy is a genius. I knew what I was making. I am so bright!
Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
The School Bell - Yashraj Sharma
The adrenaline rush after every period is different. Sometimes, we are very excited about the next period, while sometimes, we are not so much.
Without bells in schools, it will be pretty challenging to maintain an order of the class hours and recess timings and control these; the sound of a bell is the best way. The school bell acts as a stimulus for us and helps us get ready for the next period.
Not only the school bell but many bell sounds play throughout our daily schedule like a temple bell, doorbell, water alarming bell, wind chimes hanging at the windowpane in our houses. Each and every bell creates so many different feelings in us…..
My mom wakes me up every day for school…but in my Nani's house, I wake up to morning prayers and bells. It's so refreshing and calming.
It is indeed true that a sweet little bell has different melodies and is so significant.
Yashraj Sharma
Grade 8
Gyanshree school, Noida
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
A true adventure - Snoopy
You have got this golden chance to explore London with me, have lots of fun, and get into lots of trouble (I know how to get out of that)! So, are you in?
First of all, let me introduce you to Mrs Goobey. She is a fat, old woman with a unique name. Nobody can defeat her except Snoopy, which is me. Let's get into her house and create some trouble (naughty laughs). There she is sitting like a sweet grandma (which she is not) knitting a sweater for her grandchildren (she's knitting it for herself), and there I go, whooshing through and I just broke a glass. Hey, don't worry, I am not hurt.
Well, she knows I did that, come on, let's hide in her wardrobe and tear her clothes, except her socks which smell. Okay, she's after me. (After a lot of running). See, I am just fine; I defeated her. Mrs Goobey throws her sticks at Snoopy.
Ouch, I mean, that is what I would have said if I was hurt, but I am not. I am a bit tired; actually, I think you are, so let's meet again next week!
Rishona Chopra - Snoopy
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
The School Bell - Simar Kaur
When I had maths and physics, I sighed, made a face, and moved on. And in English, painting and computers I used to be excited unless I forgot the equipment at home. To put it in a nutshell, I think nothing besides the school bell has been able to alter my mood so quickly and efficiently. I mightn’t have learnt a life lesson because of the bell, but the fact that it makes the school building feel alive with pleasure or, at times, sadness makes the school, school for me. After two years of frustrating mobile alarms, the school building is alive again, and so is the bell! Simar Kaur Grade X Gyanshree School
If School Bells Could Talk - Aanya Kumar
Aanya Kumar
Podar International School
Grade 6B
Sunday, 27 March 2022
The School Bell
Refections from the reading session on the 27th of March 2022.
We are reading My Good School Where Passion Meets Education by Sandeep Dutt.
Published by Rupa Publications, available online and in Kindle format at bookstores.
You will definitely hear the school bell ring in your head whenever you lend your ear to it! The sound of the school bell has a certain amount of energy that makes the adrenaline flow, and we look forward to the next hour.
The first bell of the day brings in great energy as enthusiastic young, and fresh minds come racing into the school gates. The day will see the entry and exit of fun and joy in the class, till the last bell that leaves the campus devoid of energy and seems like the sunset hour in midday.
Perhaps our first lessons in time management are rendered to us by this innocuous bell that may sound jarring at first but part of our growing years. A school period blocks time allocated for lessons, classes, or other school activities. They typically last between 40 and 60 minutes, with around 3-8 periods per school day. Educators determine the number and length of these periods and may even regulate how each period will be used.
Managing time is really the first challenge for all of us at school; using the 40 odd minutes to ensure learning and capture the imagination is always the biggest challenge for teachers and students alike.
Perhaps our first lessons in time management are rendered to us by this innocuous bell!
The race against time, the need to complete the lesson plan, ensure good understanding and give the students the absolute joy of learning between two bells is not an easy task for even the best teachers. How best you use your limited time determines your effectiveness as a teacher or a mentor for a group of learners. There are thus crucial questions to be answered, keeping in mind that the next bell will ring soon- What do I do? When do I do it? How well do I do it?
Our life sets a limit of time, and this is indeed the wealth we often do not value in our quest for materials and the race to beat others to it.
“...there will be sleeping enough in the grave....” by Benjamin Franklin.
Hear the bell, find the energy, think for yourself and make a conscious decision about how best you will use your time. Remember the school bell and hear it always ring; let it not make life uncomfortable but instead help you enjoy every moment and be the master of your time. Time management alone will help you find yourself and live a joyous life.
School Bell: The First Lesson in Management - Anvesha Rana
Friday, 25 March 2022
The Annual Day At School - Arindita
It was 3 years ago, back when I was in 2nd grade. It was the day of Summer Camp. I was so excited for the day that I woke up early, even before the sun rose. I had packed my bag with delicious junk snacks and a few healthy ones. My friend and I were on the same bus as we talked about the exciting trip we would have all the way to school.
Along with another section, we lined up together, and we went in a bus later, which took us to the camp destination. On our way, we got muffins and apple juices. When we arrived, the first thing we did was decide who would share the bed with whom. And, of course, I shared mine with my best friend.
Pottery was our next activity where I made a duck. We then had breakfast in the cafeteria, where I had bread and a boiled egg. After that, we did special activities like zip-lining, climbing, bungee jumping (where many of my classmates got very scared) etc. Then we had lunch and shared the snacks we had. We went on a truck ride with our tummies full, and later we danced. In the evening our parents came to pick us up.
That was the best day of school that I ever had.
Grade V
Gyanshree School
Why Go To School? - Sherkhan
When I was in 5th standard, I was selected for the theatrical performance in our Annual Function. The play's theme was based on a suspenseful yet exciting story, "The Jungle Book". I was to give the voice to the character of "Sherkhan". Other than many long dialogues, there was voice modulation to match with the voice of a tiger if it could speak. We practised for around 1 and half months or so. However, I became nervous on the day of the performance and thought that I would blackout and forget my dialogues. When I started performing, I surprisingly remembered all my dialogues, and the whole thing turned out quite well. After the performance, the chief guest of the function appreciated me in front of everyone.
Our principal Mrs Brinda Ghosh blessed and appreciated me for my success. I also got recognition from all my Shreegurus, and for some time, I was known as; Sherkhan.
Thursday, 24 March 2022
The Annual Day at School - Anvesha Rana
The Annual Day should be one such day when the entire school comes together for a single cause. It should celebrate each student's creativity, uniqueness, interest, skills, and values as part of this colossal organization. A school without students is like memory without a picture. Students make up the school. Thus, it is vital that the students are happy.
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Starting a new session at school - Rishona Chopra
Another moment was when Sandeep Dutt visited our school! I was really nervous but overcame it, and it turned out to be the best day ever.
Now I am starting a new session, I got my books, and I am excited. I'll be in the Senior Wing! I can't wait to see the extensive library on the third floor. When we were in primary, we used to go to the smaller library on the ground floor, but now I'll go to the big one and read every single book there. I will also be learning French! Bonjour
Rishona Chopra Grade V Gyanshree School
Importance of Happiness Story - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
There were two kids. Rahul and Reeta. They were both brothers and sisters.
One day, while playing with their ball, they broke their mother’s favourite jar! They were blaming each other. Their mother heard their angry, irritating voices. When she came into the lobby, she was surprised by seeing her jar was broken.
“None of you will go outside until you tell the truth”, said the mother irritatingly.
Rahul and Reeta felt terrible for what they had done. They went to their mother, who was in the kitchen.
“Mother, Rahul and I broke the jar while playing with the ball”, said Reeta.
Instead of an angry face, “Kids! You told me the truth, I am thrilled”, exclaimed their mother.
A confused look rose up. The next day, the kids counted their piggy bank’s money and brought a new jar for their mother. They felt happy for they told the truth.
If Earth went to School - Aanya Kumar
Let's see Mercury, Mars, Sir Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Ceres, Orcus, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris and Sedna. You might be wondering why I did not take Venus' name. Well, because she is my sister. She literally has the spotlight. I mean, she is so bright. Meanwhile, I am caring towards those who live on me.
Papa Sun gives them punishments in May and June by giving the angry solar blares. Humans invented ' ice cream' to counter this concern and have some relief. I have to go to school. I'll take you with me!
Every day we need to cross the asteroid belt to Mr Jupiter's "School of Planets". Our teacher teaches us how to rotate and correctly revolve around Papa Sun in this school. I am the smartest in school. Though every great brain does not have spectacles. In the spinning class, Saturn never fails to stun us. She is the fastest in class (of course after Sir Jupiter!) You might wonder what happens at lunchtime.
We eat Papa Sun's blares. We let them cool down a bit. After lunch, we have a show and tell activity, where we are required to talk about our specialities. Like Mars is full of iron, and I am the only planet fit for life. After the educational session, we play with the asteroids and head back to class after our thirty minutes of playtime. Next, Sir Jupiter teaches us some life skill values.
Finally, Papa Sun tightens up his gravitational pull, and we are held back to our places. What a tiring day!
Love and Attachment- Rishona Chopra
Like when our mother told us to sleep alone, I used to feel that she did not love me, but the truth is that she wanted us to be more independent and mature. She cares for us. When she tells us to do our work ourselves, I think we feel more comfortable when we have that space. On the other hand, if our mother stays with us all the time watching every move of ours, I think that's very uncomfortable.
Staying with someone is attachment, caring for someone in love. When we say ' I love you, therefore, I want you to love me,' it is an attachment, but when we say ' I love you, therefore, I want you to be happy is love. We love them; it doesn't matter if they don't love us back. That is unconditional love.
Even if we have no one who loves us, there will always be one who does, which is God.
Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School
The Annual Day At School - Simar Kaur
What was a time when I felt good about myself?
I do my best to find faults and flaws in myself, even in situations where people usually flatter themselves. But there were two moments where I felt terrific about myself. There was a costume competition in my old school, Sneh International School, and the theme was freedom fighters. There were a few rounds that had to be passed. Now, I am very confident only in front of the audience I know. I had prepared a few ferocious lines to narrate and establish my hatred when it came to the Britishers. My mom helped me transition into that furious, confident, loud and unknown persona. And there I was in front of my class, shouting my lines. I got selected for the next round, which was to perform in front of the senior students. I was not as nervous as I thought I would be as a third-grader, but I nailed it. Next was to perform in front of the teachers, and I nailed that too. And finally, it was the enormous stage where the audience was the whole school. And for the first time, I was terrified, and I was the first performer to make it worse. I ended up not nailing it and whispering my lines on the stage. But nevertheless, I wasn’t distraught or overcome by embarrassment. I was rather proud of myself for making it this far.
The second incident was when I had won a Bronze medal in the SOF International English Olympiad. My class rank was third. I had never won a medal before that, only certificates. And when the results were sent to me through Whatsapp, I was on cloud-9. I jumped on the bed while my parents jumped on the ground. It was a moment when I was a fifth-grader felt like I was the happiest person on earth. After a long time, I was given the medal in an assembly. I was very excited and what added to the excitement was that I was sitting right next to my then-best friend. And it felt amazing to have the cold bronze touching my skin.
Share a good time you had in school.
School may be where we feel the most pressurized at times, but sometimes it is the best place on earth. Sports Day at school has always been my favourite day. It always happens when the weather is windy and not too hot. Sometimes, the clouds can’t help drizzling sweetly. It is always in the morning and goes on for about two hours at the maximum, but those two hours make the day better. I am not an athletic person, so I have never been selected to any race or sports competition. I’m always on the cheering side, screaming for my house’s victory and jumping on any good news. I’ve upset my throat many times because of the same. Sitting on the cool and tickly grass in our comfortable house uniforms and cheering for our houses makes the day special and fills me with zeal and enthusiasm for the rest of the day. Covid years made me miss these annual days a lot!
When I met someone who became my role model.
I feel blessed to say that I have many role models in my life. The top of the list has my grandfather on it. My beloved grandfather went through many hardships in life. He stood on his own feet and helped himself rise. He lost his father at a very young age and was a really, very hardworking person. He was always there for all of us and was the most supportive person in my life. A helpful, generous, loyal, affable and devoted person is what people describe him. He had the extraordinary ability to make friends anywhere and everywhere. He was independent, kind-hearted, humorous and always used to play games with me. I’ve only known him for thirteen years, but I am so grateful that I had a chance to know him and that too as my grandfather. He will always remain my first role model.
~Simar Kaur
Grade X
Gyanshree School
Love - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
Two kids were brother and sister. Their names were Pari and Ankush. Ankush did not like Pari. It was the day before Raksha Bandhan. While passing Pari’s bedroom, he saw Pari breaking her piggy bank and counting her money. The next day, it was Raksha Bandhan. Pari tied him a Rakhi and gave him a watch as a gift! “Sorry, Pari! I don’t have any gift for you!” said Ankush. “It’s okay, dada, your love is the greatest gift!” exclaimed Pari. They both hugged tightly. “From now onwards, I will protect you and give you much more love,’’ said Ankush. Their mother was watching this admirably. She explained, “Ankush and Pari, remember, Raksha Bandhan is an ancient festival among Indian festivals. This symbolises affection and sacred relationship between brother and sister, and Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Shravan with joy all over”.
Teamwork - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
Once upon a time, three girls lived, named Kareena, Rina and Katrina. Kareena and Katrina would always fight. They would talk to each other only after solving their problems.
One day their sister Rina got kidnapped by a thief! It was upon them to save her; they searched and searched; after 4 to 5 hours, they found her in a dungeon, tied up with a granny knot to a pole, a tape piece on the mouth, hands, and legs tied tightly with rope. They both fought to open the granny knot; each one of them tried to open the knot but could not open it. So, they finally worked together. The knot was opened. They did the same with the other 2 knots.
That’s how they found out the importance of teamwork. This shows that teamwork leads to better outcomes.
Monday, 21 March 2022
Autobiography of an Autobiography - Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School
Happiness @ My Good School
Sunday, 20 March 2022
Why Go To School? - Rishona Chopra
A school is where we learn, grow, and work on ourselves. Schools are not a building but are a building made of education and life. Schools are a place full of knowledge where students learn under the guidance of teachers. They are more than just academics. They focus on making us a good person, an actual human.
Schools are for us to grow and enhance our area of excellence. Therefore, every event in school, every day when we have fun playing games, is probably the best.
A day in a Bird's life - Aanya Kumar
Next comes PE class. We stretch our wings and warm up a bit for sports. We have races and more such fun activities. Then we make nests. We collect twigs, roses, leaves, and so much more stuff that humans mostly abandon. We make a circle with them and then make our walls. Once again, Miss Pilot stole the show and made the perfect nest. Later, we have lunch. My mother sends me with worms. Sometimes if she gets lucky, she catches fish.
Did I not tell you what kind of bird I am? I am a Seagull. I have a huge beak. Helps in finding and hunting fish. Survival class is the next class. Not to brag, but I am like a pro in it. We learn how to escape from human dangers and fly on the wind’s back. Then we head back home at 2.00 pm. After that tiring but adventurous day, I take a warm bath and get ready for homework.
We need to practise making nests and study some survival moves. Then, I watch some TV with my sisters, Lyra, Tyra, Samaira and Mayra. We fly downstairs and play for a while… well, maybe a lot of time. We get carried away. Lyra and Tyra are twins. Although their choices clearly tell us who is who.
Now, about Mamma. Mamma is an excellent chef. She is a master at about… everything! Soon after, our tummies start to grumble. We fly and gather the food that humans waste. Sometimes we catch that yummy brown thing. Ummm… Chico… no chocolate. We talk about our day at school and eat our yummy snacks. Later we have a family game night… evening. Finally, we slept after having some dinner. While I do not want to give my father credit… he snuggles us in with a beautiful bedtime story.
Aanya Kumar moves from Gyanshree Noida. However, she continues her learning experience at My Good School.
Annual Day at School - Arav Agarwal
After reading the chapter The Annual Day At School from the book My Good School: Where Passion Meets Education by Sandeep Dutt, I just flashback, remembering my annual days and the joy and happiness everyone used to get after participating in the Annual Day.
We all love annual days, and so do I. We, as children, wait eagerly for such fun-filled events. We have skits, voiceover, dance, music band, and speeches on our yearly days. Also, the students get the opportunity and have fun organizing and planning the annual day along with the teachers.
I still have memories of my Annual Day when I was in Senior KG. I was given the role of Narendra Modi and was to give a speech of Narendra Modi, and the theme was women empowerment. I still remember that parents were clapping in between the lecture. I also remember that after the Annual Day, when I went to School, a few children and parents used to ask me that are you, Narendra Modi. Also, a few parents asked my mother if, are you Narendra Modi’s mother. So, this was my memorable experience of my Annual Day.
We used to have a theme each year for our annual day. I am also missing my Annual Day for two years. As mentioned in the book, Annual days help us identify our skills and strengths, and I was able to identify my skills and strengths through my annual days. Also, it is mentioned in the book that students should get the rightful opportunity to showcase their creativity and talent, which everyone does beautifully on our School’s annual days.
Annual Days were so much fun for my friends and me, and we used to enjoy them a lot.
Forgiveness - Arav Agarwal
Reflection on the chapter forgiveness from the book Is Your Child Ready to Face the World? By Dr Anupam Sibal
I got to
know about forgiveness for the first time when I read Dr Anupam Sibal’s book
and learned about the magic forgiveness creates. I understood that forgiveness
is setting a person free and discovering the person was you itself as when we
don’t forgive, we don’t feel good, and it is we who suffer, but if we forgive, then it is we who feel happy.
I had no
experience of forgiving someone or someone who has forgiven me. If I happen to meet
with such knowledge, I will always keep in my mind that forgiving people is forgiving
There are
beautiful examples in the book of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi who were
always forgiving. Nelson Mandela forgave the people responsible for
putting him inside the jail for 32 years, and Mahatma Gandhi forgave all people
who did wrong with him.
I will never forget that Forgiving is the key to peace and happiness.
Billabong High International School, Thane
Happiness - Rananjay Rajput
people thrills.
That there is a treasure on top of Mount Zeus!
As people said,
The mountain Zeus made.
By wondering the consequences they were sad.
And left her house in a hurry.
Through a beautiful fountain.
She passed through some thorns.
Heard some battle horns.
And fought some Pharaohs.
Her heart filled with pleasure.
Her heart was in discontent.
There were just some papers and a silver coin.
She went to her room and put on the lock.
The next day she was interviewed by the town press.
In her achievement, she found happiness!
Monday, 14 March 2022
Forgiveness - Simar Kaur
My reflection post-reading chapter 18 of the book. I deem forgiveness as an opportunity to look at the situation positively. When someone does something to hurt us, we start hating that person. It often results in adverse changes in our mood and a thirst to take revenge. We don’t get satisfied until and unless we retaliate. Once we maintain this as a habit, people notice behavioural changes, and that is how we enter into a vicious cycle that traps us for life.
My middle school experience is something that I describe as terrible. The reason for that is the bullying I faced as we entered into a wider world. Till fifth grade, our innocent selves don’t let materialistic items affect our judgement. But in sixth grade, as we enter into the world of unavoidable changes, we can’t help judging a person by the way they look, how someone performs in their studies and much more. I was a victim of that and possibly an attacker. I kept that with me for a long time, resulting in my grades and academic life deteriorating.
Eighth grade was a breath of fresh air. Covid pandemic hit, and we were all trapped into lockdown.
Eighth grade was like an opportunity to escape my struggling social life. I had a chance to get away from all my friends and classmates and be the ones I loved. And that made all the difference. I felt refreshed, and I was a lot more cheerful and happy. But I realised that my happiness was not a by-product of avoiding people. I became happy when I decided to forgive everyone who hurt me in the past in one way or another. I forgot all about my past misery and people who had actively been a part of it. It made me feel a lot better.
After two years of break from social life, I enjoy school. I may not have a lot of friends, but I have what I need. Going back to school wouldn’t have felt this good if we wouldn’t have been trapped in lockdown, and I wouldn’t have been as forgiving as I am now. But now I know that forgiveness is extraordinary, and I am trying my best to apologise and forgive anyone I hurt or anyone who hurt me.
Simar Kaur Grade X Gyanshree School
Forgiveness - Ananya Bhatia
Forgiveness is the key to Happiness.
Happiness and Forgiveness are both connected to each other. If we forgive, we will also feel a sense of Happiness. Bhagavad Gita says that if you want to be brave, look to those who can forgive. It means that a weak person can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of a solid and courageous person. I conclude by saying that we forgive others for being happy ourselves.My Name is Ananya Bhatia. I study in Ahlcon Public school in class 9th. I like Reading books.
Meeting Sandeep Sir - Rishona Chopra
It was great to be in school and meet him. He is one of the best mentors I have had till now. I also met a few other teachers and students. We, along with a few teachers and students, discussed a small marketing plan and how we could motivate people to write in languages other than English to feel comfortable with the language they like.
We plan to read the chapter "The Annual Day At School" from the book My Good School, Where Passion Meets Education by Sandeep Dutt on the 20th of March.
I hope to meet him once again and be back in school physically!
Rishona Chopra
Grade V
Gyanshree School
Sunday, 13 March 2022
Forgiveness - Anvesha Rana
Happiness - Anish Gaitonde
Grade: 5E
Billabong High International School, Thane
Happiness - Piyush Nishad
Grade: 5E
Billabong High International School, Thane
Forgiveness - Rishona Chopra
- Mahatma Gandhi
Forgiveness is to let go of resentment and thoughts of revenge. When we forgive, we are happy. While forgiving, we get this sense of happiness because we are free from all negative emotions.
This quote by Lewis B. Smedes says that To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. This means that when we have a conflict with someone, they are also bound with negative feelings, and so are we. We both are sad and want to solve the fight, but our ego does not allow us to do that. So if we once set the prisoner as in the person we fought with, not only will he be free from the negative feelings, but so will we.
Sometimes we too are hard on ourselves on the most minor mistakes, so we should forgive ourselves.
We should forgive when it is correct. If someone does something terrible, then we should not forgive and forget. Realizing the situation, we should act accordingly.
Happiness - Avni Karmarkar
There was a boy whose family was very wealthy. One day his father took him on a trip to the country, where he aimed to show his son how poor people live. So, they arrived at a farm of an impoverished family, which his father considered poor. There they spent several days.
"Did you notice how poor people live?" Yeah, I did- said the boy.
The father asked his son to tell his impressions of their trip in more detail.
Well, we have only one dog, and they have four of them. In our garden, there is a pool, while the poor have a river that has no end. We have got expensive lanterns, but they have stars above their heads at night. We have the patio, and they have the whole horizon. We have only a small piece of land, while the poor have endless fields. We buy food, but they grow it. We have a high fence for protection of our property, and they don't need it, as their friends protect them."
The father was stunned. He could not say a word.
Then the boy added: "Thank you, Dad, for letting me see how poor we are."
This story shows that wealth and happiness are not measured by material things. The father asked his son if he liked their trip on return. "It was great, dad!" the boy replied.
Saturday, 12 March 2022
Why Go To School ? - Anvesha Rana
All of us go to school, where we learn and grow. Most of us love to go there, some don’t, and others just despise the idea of a school, but do we even know the latent purpose of the place we have been attending since our childhood? Many believe that schools are where students study, but they are beyond that. Schools are abodes of knowledge where students learn under the direction of teachers. Schools are more than academics. They are about encouraging sports, promoting service and initiating skill. The real purpose should ignite lifelong curiosity and make every child a lifelong learner. If any person has the will to learn, the fire to know, and the desire to succeed, they are unstoppable.
A School should value each child who knocks at the door to seek knowledge. The school should not become a matter of marks, subjects or grades. Instead, it should be a journey for each individual to mould themselves into perfect works of art to discover their true identity and passion. Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. If we start taking an interest in daily education, not just in school but outside the school boundaries, utilize life as much as we can, we will never miss an opportunity to learn something new. Be it a new dish, a new skill, a new dance, a new craft, etc., the passion for knowing everything will always run in us, which is when passion will meet education.
Schools are not just for students to discover their true self; some teachers can also realize their self-creation at schools. Teaching is one of the most beautiful professions, where students never run out of questions and teachers always have an excellent reply to each one. Happy teachers are one of the most integral aspects of making a Good School. Educators and teachers also launch themselves on a path of self-discovery whilst providing education to many.
All schools have different visions, missions and philosophies. For instance, Shanti Niketan, a school by Rabindranath Tagore, had a task for education for better concept clarity and understanding of topics. It was a different school and was one of the best in its league. Similarly, schools should stand out with some striking features, making parents choose them for their children.
To sum it all up, a school is not just a brick-and-mortar structure but a haven of knowledge, safety, friendship, learning, and happiness. School is an environment for improvement, which any individual can create within themselves through ‘ The School Of Life.’
Reflections Since 2021
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March 2022
- If Mars was Compatible for life- Aanya Kumar
- Fun in the Office - Snoopy
- The School Bell - Yashraj Sharma
- A true adventure - Snoopy
- The School Bell - Simar Kaur
- If School Bells Could Talk - Aanya Kumar
- The School Bell
- School Bell: The First Lesson in Management - Anve...
- The Annual Day At School - Arindita
- Why Go To School? - Sherkhan
- The Annual Day at School - Anvesha Rana
- Starting a new session at school - Rishona Chopra
- Importance of Happiness Story - Anaghaa Gawde and ...
- If Earth went to School - Aanya Kumar
- Love and Attachment- Rishona Chopra
- The Annual Day At School - Simar Kaur
- Love - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
- Teamwork - Anaghaa Gawde and Hardik Rane
- Autobiography of an Autobiography - Rishona Chopra
- Happiness @ My Good School
- Why Go To School? - Rishona Chopra
- A day in a Bird's life - Aanya Kumar
- Annual Day at School - Arav Agarwal
- Forgiveness - Arav Agarwal
- Happiness - Rananjay Rajput
- Forgiveness - Simar Kaur
- Forgiveness - Ananya Bhatia
- Meeting Sandeep Sir - Rishona Chopra
- Forgiveness - Anvesha Rana
- Happiness - Anish Gaitonde
- Happiness - Piyush Nishad
- Forgiveness - Rishona Chopra
- Happiness - Avni Karmarkar
- Why Go To School ? - Anvesha Rana
- A pencil's friends - Rishona Chopra
- Gratitude - Miraya Bhatia
- Honesty - Aria Gupta
- I think of honesty?
- Honesty- Aanya Kumar
- Goals - Trusha Sarkar
- Sharing what Honesty means to me
- Honesty - Rishona Chopra
- Honesty - Anvesha Rana
- Someone to share - Shaurya Buchade
- Happiness - Asmi Patankar
- Honesty - Sunita Mehta
- The Life of 10 Rupees - Rishona Chopra
- Happiness - Unnati Jamdar
- Happiness - Anushri Palnitkar
- Fun - Aria Gupta
- Friendship - Vihaan Bisht
- Happiness - Lisha Soni
- Happiness - Rishona Chopra
- ► February 2022 (98)
- ► January 2022 (94)
- ► December 2021 (41)
- ► November 2021 (24)
- ► October 2021 (15)
- ► September 2021 (14)
- ► August 2021 (12)
- ► April 2021 (8)
- ► March 2021 (9)