Sunday, 6 March 2022

Goals - Trusha Sarkar

If we want to succeed in life, set a goal that commands our thoughts, liberates our energy and inspires our hopes.

Setting a goal is the first step that helps us turn the invisible into the visible; in other words, it motivates us to realize our dreams. 

Why is it necessary to set goals? My fellow mates' answer to this question is that realistic goals with time boundaries act as road maps that would guide us to show what we can achieve with the skills we possess and our real potential.

I would like to share with my readers - one tiny baby step that I have taken lately is that every morning when I wake up, the first thing that I do is to scribble in my dairy- a 'things-to-do' list. This helps me in prioritizing my tasks for the day. It has definitely helped me act in a little organized manner.

The Japanese believe everyone has an Ikigai- a reason to jump out of bed every morning.

Rightly said, 'A goal is a dream with a deadline.' I firmly believe that we should dream significant and, more importantly, follow it with sincere and consistent efforts. I am confident that we will be more focused and attain our objectives more smoothly with our goals rightly set.

To wrap up, let me expand the acronym GOALS:

G- Grow; O- One-step; A- At a time; L- Little by little, your; S- Steps will add up.

Grade 7
Trisha Sarkar 
The Doon Girls' School

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