Tuesday, 29 March 2022

If School Bells Could Talk - Aanya Kumar

"TRIIIIIIING! LUNCHTIME!" I would say this every day at noon. Neither a second before nor a second after. I am always on time. However, I am not taken seriously by my folks. I am there in schools so that children learn to be disciplined. Sometimes teachers need teaching too. I am more like a principal of the school. Strict, disciplined and most importantly, very (and I mean VERY) punctual. Here's how my days go. I wake up sharp at eight, and my first words are always "Morning, School!" Next, I talk to the real principal. "Second Period" and "Third Period" and so on till SEVEN periods!. That's how my days end. Moreover, I have to say the same thing every day just for punctuality in children. What a tiring job I have. "TRIIIIIIING! SIXTH PERIOD!" I may be found irritating to those who love the concept being taught during class timings and a lifesaver for those who are getting bored. But now you know… I am way more than that. I am the timetable of those who don't value my friend's time.

Aanya Kumar

Podar International School

Grade 6B

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