Sunday, 6 March 2022

Sharing what Honesty means to me

Our interns have given some short answers given by our Joy Of Learning Ambassador - Sunita Mehta:

The first name that comes to mind when I think of honesty is God. Any other word for honesty is uprightness. I am honest about myself. I tend to take the easier way out when I have no idea what I am doing.

Rishona Chopra

Grade V

Gyanshree School


When I think of honesty, the first name that comes to mind is my parents.

Another word for honesty is integrity.

I am honest about the work I do and my feelings.

I tend to take the easier route when confused about what to do. 

Arav Agarwal

Grade V

Billabong High International School Thane


The first name that comes to mind when I think of honesty is my Grandfather.

Another word for honesty is ethics. I am honest about my studies. I tend to take the easier way out when I get lost.


Varad Sadvilkar

Billabong High International School Thane, 



1. The first person that comes to mind when I think of honesty is mom                         

2. Another word for honesty is truth          

3. I am honest about myself                    

4. I tend to take the easier way out when I am stuck

Chahna Gandhi 

The Doon Girls School


An answer by one of our teachers:

1. The first person that comes to my mind when I think of honesty is my husband. 2. Another word for honesty could be courage. Honest people are naturally courageous. It takes a lot of courage to always remain truthful and not get lured by the benefits of telling a lie. 3. I am honest about myself in most situations. I try to stay honest in expressing myself to make lasting relationships. 4. I tend to take the easier way out when I have to do something that I do not wish to or when I have to be neutral in my tracks. 

Nibbrati Rathore

Teacher at Gyanshree School

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