Sunday, 28 August 2022
The bond of friendship - Rishona Chopra
Friends are something you never know about,
They are like your sibling, no doubt.
Rajam and Mani and their mischiefs,
But they ain't no thief.
They are friends who stay in sorrow,
But make you feel scared for tomorrow.
You might hate them once or twice,
They'll make you kill mice!
Yes, they will support you in nothing,
But they will prepare you for everything!
Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
The Art Of Focus - Rishona Chopra
Apart from that, the book focuses on positive thinking...In today's chapter we read about how accepting death helps us overcome challenges in life. Of course it is difficult but it is a section of life and that is why we should always keep doing good deeds because what we do for ourselves dies with us but what we do for others continues and lives on forever.
The Art of Focus - Anvesha Rana
Autobiography of a ghost - Rishona Chopra
You ran away; that's the problem with these foolish humans. I just want to be friends with them. How come they don't understand that?
I might be transparent, but I am gorgeous and have a heart of gold. Not to boast, but I am adorable. If only you waited and listened to me. You don't know how sad it is to be a ghost, no one wants to talk to me, and all are afraid. I feel so alone. My only friend is a book. Her name is "How a ghost became my friend". She is my only friend and my only family. I genuinely wish I had a human friend. There are advantages of being a ghost too. You can run super fast and never feel hungry, which is a good thing because I don't want to be hungry. People say I hide under their bed, but trust me, I just stay in your room so that you become my friend.
By any chance, would you like to be my friend?
Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana
बोलू & Totto-chan
We laugh, we read and we write - Rishona Chopra
The Joy of Learning Diaries is a website where students can post their reflections on My Good School’s reading program every Sunday. They can literally post anything they want. We publish the Joy Of Learning Diaries, and our blogs go in an extensive diary where many students can post.
We connect the Joy Of Reading with the joy of writing by -
- What we read in the reading session we reflect upon by writing.
- What we have written can be converted into a podcast (audio file) - Joy of Speaking.
We are here at My Good School, Here things are so cool! Together we learn, Here no teacher is stern!
We learn all the values needed,
After going to My Good School, we all succeeded!
There are several things you can do,
Each item is new!
We can read and write,
We are bright!
We can design and create,
After all, My Good School is great!
11.00 AM SWAMI AND FRIENDS by RK Narayan
11.40 AM The Art Of Focus by Gauranga Das
12.00 PM Hari Ghaas Ki Chhappar Wali Jhopadi Aur Bouna Pahad Hindi Edition by Vinod Kumar Shukla
Read With Us!
Rishona Chopra Grade VI Gyanshree School
Saturday, 27 August 2022
I am unique - Rishona Chopra
Dear Diary,
Yes. Today was tough, not the best, I was made fun of at school, but I got all A's on my English Test, so that's a good thing. I got the highest score in SSC but not a total score; I got two questions wrong. I don't know why but usually, the things that troubled me to seem to stay in my head and affect me a lot. I might be short; I don't know why. I like to cuddle with my mother, I don't know why. I want to spend my time with books, I don't know why. I am different, but I am unique. What matters is that my heart is beautiful. If I study too much, people call me a nerd. If I don't, they call me a fool. I can never stand up to one's expectations, but I can always stand up to my dreams and expectations. I am not perfect. I am satisfied with who I am.
You might be thinking, why am I talking about such sentimental things, but these thoughts perhaps refresh your mind. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but I am just sharing some of myself with you. Yes, you find it useless now. You may shut the book and keep it aside.
It's easy to say all these words, but these simple words have a deeper and more difficult meaning to them. They don't always make you happy. We all feel the urge to stand up to our teachers, parents and friends' expectations but are we living our life for them? If someone calls me nerdy, will I stop studying and enjoying my life? Of course, I feel like changing to become friends with them but why when I am unhappy?
I just don't know how to express this happiness of mine. Happiness? How on Earth can I be happy? Well, I am so glad because I am different. I am unique just the way I am!
We all seek answers to these questions we can never know about, like" Why am I different? Why has God made me like this?" All this is just fate, and fate is always good. Being a little alone is always good because it helps you know more about yourself. No matter if anyone is there for you, you are always there for yourself. Ask yourself a few questions about yourself:
What is your favourite hobby?
Where do you love to spend your time?
Who is your best friend?
Who does you like spending time with?
If you took time to think about these questions, perhaps you don't know a part of yourself. We spend so much time thinking about others that we forget that there is much more to explore in ourselves. There is a part of us we don't know; how many of us know our ambition in life? Yes, maybe a doctor, an author, or even a good human, but can you answer this in a second? You don't have to be a narcissist but perhaps a bit more self-confident about yourself.
The best time you can ever spend with someone is with yourself. This made me feel better... Good Night! (somebody)
The Sweetness of the Bitter Truth - Reveda Bhatt
For those who’ve read part 1- I hope you found the courage to read it whole.
Stay tuned and read this too because, you know, to those who think reading about death is not worth it at all when you can read about a bright things-my, friend, death is the ultimatum of a life, and every passing day just leads us one step closer to it, this might make you think-
“Then what is the point of living happily when the ending will just be sad?”
See, while watching a trailer, you do not just get the whole idea about the storyline until you watch the entire movie, so, look, neither the beginning is the central part, nor is the climax (Though people seem to make it) it is what happens in the middle.
There it is; that’s how life is not to be seen from the perspective-
How was someone born?
How had someone died?
It should be seen as - How
had someone lived?
The time we have to live is limited, but how to live in the given time is in our hands.
That is how you find - light in the dark,
the joyfulness in the screeching voice of a lark,
the cheerful desire of the people who sank in the mournful fire
- the sweetness of life in the bitter truth of death.
Reveda Bhatt
Grade 9
The Aryan School
Monday Mornings - Oshi Singh
Monday Mornings
As the alarm buzzed, I opened my eyes, hoping to get some more sleep. Alas! It was six thirty already. I am always very hesitant about Monday mornings. On one side, I hate getting back to the same basic boring routine after all the relaxation and fun one had on Saturday and Sunday. Although Mondays do make me look forward to getting all freshened up and make me want to have a good kick start for the upcoming week. Every week I find Mondays the most challenging day (Trust me, making the decision almost 52 times a year isn't a cakewalk!). Nevertheless, I have to admit that although Mondays end up getting tiring, it indeed is a lot of fun getting back to the same basic boring routine and meeting all my friends again. Mondays make you ( me at least) realise that your life is still going on, and you have another chance to learn from your mistakes & just keep going.
Gyanshree School
Thursday, 25 August 2022
Sri Aurobindo on forms of Love External
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Wednesday, 24 August 2022
On the Divine Force of Love
Love is one of the great universal forces; it exists by itself, and its movement is free and independent of the objects in which it manifests. It manifests wherever it finds a possibility for manifestation, wherever there is receptivity, wherever there is some opening. What you call love and think of as a personal or individual thing is only your capacity to receive and manifest this universal force. But because it is universal, it is not an unconscious force; it is a supremely conscious Power. Consciously it seeks for its manifestation and realisation upon the earth; consciously, it chooses its instruments, awakens to its vibrations those who are capable of an answer, endeavours to realise in them that which is its eternal aim, and when the instrument is not fit, drops it and turns to look for others. Men think that they have fallen in love; they see their love come and grow, and then it fades—or, it may be, endures a little longer in some who are more specially fitted for its more lasting movement. But their sense in this of a personal experience all their own was an illusion. It was a wave from the everlasting sea of universal love.
Love is universal and eternal; it is always manifesting and identical in its essence. And it is a Divine Force; for the distortions, we see in its apparent workings belong to its instruments. Love does not manifest in human beings alone; it is everywhere. Its movement is there in plants, perhaps in the very stones; in animals, it is easy to detect its presence. All the deformations of this great and divine Power come from the obscurity, ignorance, and selfishness of the limited instrument. Love, the eternal force, has no clinging, no desire, no hunger for possession, no self-regarding attachment; it is, in its pure movement, the seeking for the union of the self with the Divine, a seeking absolute and regardless of all other things. Love divine gives itself and asks for nothing. We do not need to say what human beings have made of it; they have turned it into an ugly and repulsive thing. And yet even in human beings, the first contact of love does bring down something of its purer substance; they become capable of forgetting themselves; for a moment, its divine touch awakens and magnifies all that is fine and beautiful. But afterwards, human Nature comes to the surface, full of its impure demands, asking for something in exchange, bartering what it gives, clamouring for its own inferior satisfaction, distorting and soiling what was divine.
The Mother
CWM, Vol-3, Pg. 69-70
The force of love in the world is trying to find consciousnesses capable of receiving this divine movement in its purity and expressing it. This race of all beings towards love, this irresistible push and seeking out in the world’s heart and all hearts, is the impulse given by a Divine love behind the human longing and seeking. It touches millions of instruments, always trying, always failing. Still, this constant touch prepares these instruments, and suddenly, one day, there will awake in them the capacity of self-giving, the capacity of loving.
The movement of love is not limited to human beings and is perhaps less distorted in other worlds than in humans. Look at the flowers and trees. When the sun sets, and all becomes silent, sit down for a moment and put yourself into communion with Nature: you will feel rising from the earth, from below the roots of the trees and mounting upward and coursing through their fibres up to the highest outstretching branches, the aspiration of intense love and longing,—a longing for something that brings light and gives happiness, for the light that is gone and they wish to have back again. There is a yearning so pure and intense that if you can feel the movement in the trees, your own being will go up in an ardent prayer for the peace, light, and love that are unmanifested here. Once you have come in contact with this large, pure and true Divine love, if you have felt it even for a short time and in its smallest form, you will realise what an abject thing human desire has made of it. It has become in human Nature something low, brutal, selfish, violent, ugly, or else it is something weak and sentimental, made up of the pettiest feeling, brittle, superficial, and exacting. And this baseness and brutality or this self-regarding weakness they call love!
The Mother
CWM, Vol-3, Pg. 71-72
Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Love yourself!
Love yourself!
No love like Sibling Love !
Arushi Goswami, a teacher at Gyanshree School, is our guide for the project.
Motherly Love - our comic strip for August
Arushi Goswami, a teacher at Gyanshree School, is our guide for the project.
Sunday, 21 August 2022
एक झोपड़ी - रिशोना चोपड़ा
Dealing With Disappointments - Oshi Singh
We all experience failure in our life. When we think our life has come to an end. The first time is obviously the hardest. You feel devastated, angry, jealous, and traumatized. You blame others for what has happened. In time you start blaming yourself. Don't think the time and energy you're wasting are worth wasting. These days when youngsters experience failure or when something doesn't go according to their plan, they start believing their life is ruined. They start thinking weird and foolish things. They don't worry about how their decisions will affect those around them.
Ultimately life isn't supposed to go according to plan, even for those born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Failure is a risky stop where all our lives stop for a bit. We need to learn to deal with disappointments in life because we will face them not once, not twice, but throughout our lives. After all these disappointments lie some valuable lessons like gratitude, self-enlightenment and a better version of ourselves. Failure is inevitable, so instead of sitting and feeling sad about it, get up and try again.
Like Albert Einstein said, "You never fail until you stop trying".
What makes me feel positive? - Rishona Chopra
This is for you,
When anything happened, you knew.
You taught me to be true,
And that's how I grew
You cared for me,
You are the one that makes me feel free!
The kindest one ever,
When I needed you, you were always there whatsoever.
You make me positive,
You are so progressive,
You give me a new sense of hope,
There is no one like you on the globe!
There is no reason for this,
It's just a natural bliss,
That's probably why you are my mother,
You are like no other!
Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana
Swami is a boy who just loves to have fun, be it with friends or be it all on his own. He enjoys playing and wandering more than anything else, so whenever Monday comes around the corner, Swami feels frustrated as he has to walk through a tough day filled with studies and homework. But after all, he endures Monday Mornings.
I like Mondays because I have a lot of activities in school that day, plus on Monday we have a lot of things to share with our friends, so it’s never boring. We all should like Monday because it is the start of a new day, a new week and maybe, new learnings and opportunities.
Swami may not be a very ambitious young boy, but he is happy and optimistic because of his friends and loves playing, so he always has something to be positive about. Similarly, what makes me think positive is the idea of anything different from my usual routine. I enjoy it whenever we go out or when I have something new to do. Some different classes in school or meeting new people always excites me. That’s what makes me think positive, and I love that.
Monday Morning - Rishona Chopra
You can see Monday as a tiring and lifeless day and a fun and exciting day! Today, in the Art Of Focus, we read about positive thinking, so can we all be positive and make Monday fun and colourful?
Monday, perhaps very boring,
It can also be adoring,
Like they say, glass is half empty or half full,
All you need is a positive pull!
Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
To Reach Your Goals - Aria Gupta
Everybody says that you need to make goals to achieve and you should contribute at least an hour of your 24-hour life to accomplish these goals, But how?
Imagine your brain to be a dense jungle. When you want to make a goal and start working towards it, it's like walking through the wilderness; it takes energy to convince yourself to do it. Since our brain hates wasting energy, it comes up with a trick. Every time you cross a path in the jungle, you make it easier to travel. Soon it becomes a highway which is much easier to cross. To make these highways, we need to use a wise planner and an impulsive toddler. An intelligent planner helps you to understand what we have to do to reach that goal; it helps us break down the goal into easier, manageable tasks.
The impulsive toddler will help you slowly turn those manageable tasks into habits you do without thinking. All you need is a little bit of patience. If you do have that, you will certainly reach your goals without thinking about giving up.
Thank you for reading this. It will surely help you at some point.
Gyanshree school
Wednesday, 17 August 2022
The World Of Design - Rishona Chopra
The beauty is within,
And that's where the true fun begins.
Gyanshree School
Left So Soon - Reveda Bhatt
The year 2019 gave me a new life (Let’s not get to that), but the following ones, 2020-21, took many of my beloved ones’ lives away!
I’ll roll back the rim of my life to the year 2021. Someone really close to us all was my grandmother’s niece, Kanchan, my aunt, just a young girl with dreams and hopes for a bright future like any other.
One odd day, she got her hand fractured, went to the hospital, and surgery was to be performed for implantation of K-wire in her hand. After that, tests were conducted, and the results diagnosed her with MEN1(Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Link Type 1 syndrome, a rare genetic disorder mainly affecting the endocrine glands). The message spread virtually on WhatsApp to us in our family group, and after reading it, all of our hearts sank in. But, not losing hope, we wished her a speedy recovery and gave her mom, and her brother hope for her stay!
Surgery after surgery, treatment after treatment, our prayers and everyone else’s, and meanwhile she was stable, with all of us crying out our mixed emotions, I sat there, scrolling through her Instagram profile-her smile, her sweet voice, and her charm-all faded behind the beeping of machines. Even though her, being in Noida, and me in Dehradun, it hurt, you know, in such situations, the gap does not matter; it’s the prayers from the bottom of hearts that do! But God plans a bummer for everyone’s lives, and his plan for hers was different. The disease could not be cured, maybe controlled, but not cured.
Her Instagram account remains a remnant of her existence in our hearts and this world. `
Reveda Bhatt
Grade 9
The Aryan School
Monday, 15 August 2022
My Great Grandfather - Rishona Chopra
I am teaching him how to play Sudoku, too, it's a challenging game, but he is learning it really well and is so passionate. I got a Sudoku book 3 years ago and only did 40 Sudoku, but he got one 3 months ago and has completed 70 puzzles! He definitely won't rest until he has completed all the puzzles! He sometimes has back pain, so I try to help him as much as possible. Sometimes, I can't understand what he says, but when he laughs, I laugh too, even though I don't know why he is laughing!
Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School
Sayonara Totto-chan! - Anvesha Rana
I have often heard a story of a woman who lost her son but was so desperate to get him back that she went to Lord Buddha to bring her son to life again. In listening to her story, Lord Buddha said he would bring her son to life again only if she could get a fist full of mustard seeds from a house where no one had died. So the woman had set out on her task, she had gone to every home in each locality, but there was not a single house where someone had not died, be it the grandfather, father, mother, child, someone or other had always passed away. Lost and depressed when the woman returned to Lord Buddha, he had simply told her that human lives are like flickering lights. They light for a long time, but suddenly they extinguish. We need to learn to accept the loss and let the ones gone be always loved in our hearts. Just like Totto-Chan will always love Rocky and Yasuaki Chan.
When Ryo-chan, the janitor at Tomoe, had to leave for the War, all the students had organized a special Tea Party just for him. Everyone drank saké and shared something or the other for Ryo-chan. It was a fun time and the children continued the tradition of the Tea Party even after Ryo-chan was on the war ground. It was the last time they had ever gathered at Tomoe.
Whenever I have to drop someone at the station and bid goodbye, I feel as if they could have stayed just a little longer; no matter how many days we spent together or how much fun we had, at that point, all that matters is whether they can be here for just a bit more time because no amount of time feels enough when you are with your loved ones.
Sayonara, Sayonara is a Japanese goodbye, but it literally means 'if that's the way it is'. We have learned so much from Totto-chan, the Headmaster and Tomoe. It is even so unique that a young girl, simply through the means of her actions, has taught us friendship, responsibility, coping with loss, freedom and most importantly, love. So all we can say is Thank You and Sayonara, Totto-chan!
Anvesha Rana,
Grade 10-B,
Gyanshree School
Reflections Since 2021
- ► March 2025 (10)
- ► February 2025 (9)
- ► January 2025 (11)
- ► December 2024 (18)
- ► November 2024 (14)
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- ► January 2023 (39)
- ► December 2022 (41)
- ► November 2022 (44)
- ► October 2022 (61)
- ► September 2022 (21)
August 2022
- The bond of friendship - Rishona Chopra
- The Art Of Focus - Rishona Chopra
- The Art of Focus - Anvesha Rana
- Autobiography of a ghost - Rishona Chopra
- Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana
- बोलू & Totto-chan
- We laugh, we read and we write - Rishona Chopra
- I am unique - Rishona Chopra
- The Sweetness of the Bitter Truth - Reveda Bhatt
- Monday Mornings - Oshi Singh
- Sri Aurobindo on forms of Love External
- My Forever Friend - Aadya Sharma
- On the Divine Force of Love
- Love yourself!
- No love like Sibling Love !
- Motherly Love - our comic strip for August
- एक झोपड़ी - रिशोना चोपड़ा
- Dealing With Disappointments - Oshi Singh
- What makes me feel positive? - Rishona Chopra
- Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana
- Monday Morning - Rishona Chopra
- To Reach Your Goals - Aria Gupta
- The World Of Design - Rishona Chopra
- Left So Soon - Reveda Bhatt
- My Great Grandfather - Rishona Chopra
- Sayonara Totto-chan! - Anvesha Rana
- What Independence means to me - Rishona Chopra
- What Independence means to me - Yashraj Sharma
- What does Independence mean to me? - Anvesha Rana
- My Expression for India at 75 - Reveda Bhatt
- IndependenceDay
- Joy Of Independence - The Anthem
- The Art Of Focus - Rishona Chopra
- Totto-chan: The Little Girl At The Window - Rishon...
- The Art of Focus - Anvesha Rana
- Someone very important in my life who I’ve lost - ...
- A friend whom I lost - Gaurangi Rastogi
- A Miracle In The Sky - Rishona Chopra
- Ordinary Lives - Anvesha Rana
- Coffee With The Coach : Money - Anvesha Rana
- अगर मैं एक बाघ होता - रिशोना चोपड़ा
- Swami and Friends: The Value of Friendship - Oshi ...
- A new way to celebrate Rakhi - Rishona Chopra
- Don't want Yasuaki-chan to die - Reveda Bhatt
- Value for August is Patience
- Swami and Friends by RK Narayan - Rishona Chopra
- Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana
- Just the Way you are! - Anvesha Rana
- "I want to be a spy" - Rishona Chopra
- Living for Giving - Reveda Bhatt
- Patience - Rishona Chopra
- Love @ My Good School
- Countering Failure - RP Devgan
- Into the Fabric Buzz - Anvesha Rana
- Shinrin Yoku - Rishona Chopra
- Totto-chan's World - Anvesha Rana
- ► April 2022 (34)
- ► March 2022 (53)
- ► February 2022 (98)
- ► January 2022 (94)
- ► December 2021 (41)
- ► November 2021 (24)
- ► October 2021 (15)
- ► September 2021 (14)
- ► August 2021 (12)
- ► April 2021 (8)
- ► March 2021 (9)