Sunday, 14 August 2022

The Art of Focus - Anvesha Rana

The Art of focus is a piece of advice, 
for life and for the next generational resize, 
It can be passed on because we might change, 
but our values will nevertheless be the same. 

We need focus in our lives, not for success, 
but for a family, for happiness and for building a fortress, 
Without focus, we are inhumane and uncertain, 
like a play without a curtain. 

Stories can be your guide into another world, 
They can make you believe what you thought you never would, 
You'll find your moments and live up to them, 
You'll find your gratitude and treat it as a hem. 

Focusing on the present will make you someone new, 
for neither the past nor the future will be now pursued, 
We'll learn to be better and better till we can then share it with others, 
for what is life without a teacher who isn't like a brother. 

Let's dive into finding our focus for it might be deep down, 
or it might be on the top which just needs a little jerk, 
If we have focus we will not want to be the winner on the field, 
but we will want to be the winner in life. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

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