Reflection For The Art of Focus
Why is it important to ask questions?
सवाल पूछना क्यों ज़रूरी है?
The word "ASK" stands for always seeking knowledge, so asking questions helps you explore new things and learn. If we are curious to know about anything, we should rise and ask about it to understand it better. Sometimes we feel nervous and feel scared of asking anything new people and those who are older than us. It happens because we think we might speak something unusual and wrong, but we should be confident enough to ask. Finally, our level of confidence and our speaking skill level will develop.
Asking questions is a critical element of the learning process. Questioning helps students direct their learning by merging their prior knowledge and new information to make sense of these ideas. We ask questions to learn more details about something and answer questions to provide more information. Asking and answering questions is part of how we know and our social skills; we ask and answer questions to be polite and build and maintain relationships.
Really good reflections.... fantastic thought -asking questions is a part of the learning process..Wow!