Thursday, 16 February 2023

Travellers and Death - Reveda Bhatt

“The dead are not powerless.

Dead, did I say?

There is no death, only a change of worlds.”

‘Will I die? Or will I just leave my body?’

Oh! Wait! Let me reframe a part of my question-“the” body.

Well, hello, “travellers.”

Don’t like to travel? Still travellers.


Let’s see.

This writing, I guess, could seem to be an interactive session because I have a lot of questions there

is no right answer to?

So, your interaction would not be with me but with yourself.

In the beginning, I addressed you as a “traveller,” should I have called you a “human?”

Probably, right now, you’ll agree because you have a body, right?

Or are you “in” a body?

Let’s face it. The truth is the second.

Somebody might be called a human until they’re “alive”, but once they die, they’re called “dead.”

But, you know, there is life after “death”, so why be called dead once we’ve left our physical body?

It’s just that the soul is like water filled in a bottle which is the body. So you see, the water doesn’t

reduce in amount until you drink it, in the same way, if, in the end, you say that you can’t live life

loudly, there’s no one to blame except you! That’s on you! Be it anyone coming in the way, the fault

is in you because you let them in, in through the gate to your mind, to pull you down!

Why be backstage when you can rock it up on the floor!?

So, if I don’t see you when we are both in bodies, don’t worry!

We’ll get a chance to meet on the other side!

Reveda Bhatt
The Aryan Schoo, Dehradun

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