Monday, 10 April 2023

Brain VS Heart - Arfa Khan

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We have all been in such a dilemma in which our brain says something, but our heart says something else at least once in our lifetime. It can happen in small decisions like whether I should do my homework now or later? Should I buy this or not? And also in big ones like career choices. Such situations are intimidating. And the big question is; who should we listen to, the brain or the heart? 

When you are in a situation where you must act upon one or the other, are you really thinking about balancing your emotions and logic, or are you just pretending? Usually, when faced with a decision, we do not suspend the two options but act upon one or the other. While making such decisions, we shouldn't be biased and always stick to one side.

The brain nor the heart is always correct. We need to pick the right side if there is one. Sometimes there are no right or wrong answers to questions. We should carefully think and ponder before choosing a side.

Our heart makes decisions while considering feelings, which are often reckless. Our brain has a logical and rational approach but tends to overthink much and doesn't want us to take any risks when sometimes, depending on the situation, it can be worth it. 

In conclusion, we should take our time, consider both sides' consequences, and be circumspect while making decisions. You do you because whatever you choose, it will happen for good 😊.

       -Arfa Khan


Ahlcon Public School

1 comment:

  1. Great Arfa. In the session many of us were mixing up what the heart and brain are saying. As Arfa points out the feeling part is coming from the heart and the logical part is coming from the brain. Yes each option will have its pros and cons and those are what one has to weigh before deciding


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