Sunday, 14 May 2023

My graduation speech at school - Rishona Chopra

Good morning my fellow graduates!

I stand before you on this special day to give my parting speech. This school has opened up several opportunities for me. Everything had unique value, from exams to lunch, sports to competitions, and left me with priceless learning. 

I've made some beautiful and memorable memories in this school. The fun of running out of the class for the sports class, the nervousness and happiness in the annual day practice, the excitement of seeing the science labs for the first time, the peppiness of travelling for a school trip and the agitation during my exams. It all mattered to me a lot and made quite a difference. 

One of the decisions that really made a significant change was joining My Good School. It helped me a lot and opened many doors for me. 

This journey wouldn't have been so incredible without all my teachers supporting me at every step. So thank you to all my teachers who have guided me. Yes, I've had tough and challenging times, but life isn't that fun without its ups and downs!

I would like to thank my exceptional parents, who sent me to this beautiful school and opened this extensive window. 

The memories I made in this school and the learning I took away will always be a big part of my life, and I will never forget them. 

Today, we are at a turning point in our lives, and I hope this will be the best turn we have ever made!

Thank you!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

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