Friday, 5 May 2023

Small things are big things - Tenzin Jambey

The tallest building in the world is made up of small pieces of bricks. Who said that small things don't make a difference? Yes, it does for me. It does make a difference. 

People become greedy and avaricious when it comes to achieving something; because of greed, we try to gain it at one grab; we think of something big and put all our efforts and hard work at once, but, at last, we are unable to get it. We fail to achieve it because we think a miracle will happen when we put all our energy at once, but it still needs to happen. 

Many students have a habit of studying at the last moment; they think that they would really work hard at the last moment and achieve to get good marks, but only those students who study from the very first day succeed in getting good marks. I genuinely agree that "little progress each day adds up to a big result," as I have experienced it. 

Even little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

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