Sunday, 11 June 2023


You know how it is when people tell you that you are not setting your aim or wasting your time having fun-the most common one being- "You can have fun later on when you have achieved everything you want."- Well, what is this everything? 

As the word suggests, what is the main point is that-does it owes any boundary? 

Well, yes, it does, but the feeling is so strong that we succumb to it into thinking that it is endless.

The sea of desire is too deep, but only if you find it in yourself to control yourself can it be controlled. Live in the moment, not thinking about the next, and you’ll realise what’s life!

This common definition of life is not right because life does not have a definition.

LIFE IS NOT A STAGE to wait for. IT IS A FEELING to live in!

Live in the moment = L.I.T.M. = Let It To Marvel.

Reveda Bhatt

The Aryan School

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