Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Leadership - Tulsi Karki

Picture Courtesy: https://www.thebalancemoney.com/leadership-definition-2948275

If you have worked in any successful groups, whether you have led them or participated in them, you have experience as a leader. You contribute to the team, ensure you have met the deadlines, and build strong teamwork and communication skills. 

Being a prefect, I had the opportunity to show that I am responsible, reliable, and capable of taking on leadership roles. I have gained confidence in fulfilling the role successfully. I have realised that I could make contributions to my school. It demonstrated that I can be a role model to others. 

Gain achievement points for completing duties and maintaining discipline. I have learned that we had to be cooperative, helpful, well-mannered, trustworthy and responsible. 

Be respectful towards teachers, peers, and the school environment. Display leadership qualities: confidence, initiative, and problem-solving skills.

Tulsi Karki
Pestalozzi Chldren's Village, India.

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