Friday, 15 September 2023

Intentions - Reveda Bhatt

Intentions come a long way - Sometimes say even more than words. Vibes exist. Matches exist. It's all in the intent of a person -"like" likes "like," unlikely in some cases.

For instance, need of help -WHEN YOU HAVE EVERYTHING-everybody seems to be close to us, "wants to be" close to us-but when you have little - All that remains is all WHAT and WHO is yours-The Real Ones. Truth of life - Let's face it.

Well, you must be wondering where "intent" drops in here - Others' intentions throw vibes of what they mean or, in this case, "want." Some figure that out, while few are too caught up in the moment to see whose "faking." Those true at heart stay beside you no matter what, when or where life takes you. While as your "car of life" comes down through the mesmerising meadows, full of "your close ones," as soon as you enter the "dark tunnel," what your life comes out with is its car full of "your real ones." You fill up the fuel at a station, about to enter the countryside-another bright world - a beginning with "better" people, when suddenly, after paying up, you turn towards your car and see it full again -THE SAME CYCLE but what's good now is that you know who is really yours this time! 

So, while they drive down, people, I'll tell you something - know how it is when people tell you-"Nobody's really ours in life," I think I'll deny this for few are, but you've got to have an eye to look for them-

Oops, another tunnel ahead!

Don't believe me?

Look at the number of fellows before entering the tunnel,

Then, after exiting the tunnel.

Trust me -You will know the difference.

- Reveda Bhatt


  1. An elderly gentleman in my condo who is unfortunately no more and who I used to really look up to used to say.... Your will never be able to befriend everyone. Haath milate raho aur chalte raho.... Into three best tunnel


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