Saturday, 30 September 2023

Reflection on Life - Tenzin Jambey

Life is a journey where we encounter many things that give us beautiful moments and memories. Sometimes, life provides us with a bundle of happiness, but sometimes, it gives us a lot of sadness and sorrow. Happiness and sadness, failing and winning and laughing and crying are part of our lives, but still, we get depressed thinking about the things that make us sad. 

My friend said that life is short; instead of doing what you like, why are you doing what you don't like. I said that life is strange sometimes to fit in the community; we need to sacrifice our happiness. Sometimes thinking about the future makes me feel worried, but sometimes it makes me feel happy that life may make you a successful person in future. 

We never know how unpredictable our life is when our last goodbye is. At last, we should live our every second with happiness because the moment we are sad, we love every second of joy. Therefore, come out from the world of sadness and live happily.

Image courtesy- Unsplash

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children Village India

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