Friday, 29 December 2023

Life Lessons with Amardeep Singh - Tenzin Jambey

Tenzin Jambey of Pestalozzi Children’s Village India shares his reflections from the Sunday School on 24 December 2023, when we hosted a Meet and Greet with Amardeep Singh Rangar. Tenzin shares with us what being human is, how we yearn for peace, why money, perhaps the biggest sin for mankind, has made us lose our value system and much more. Please listen to his maiden podcast and share your love with him by posting your comments for the episode.


  1. Good effort by Tenzin Jambey

  2. Wow! Thanks for your thoughtfulness.

  3. Very good paji

  4. Tenzin very well spoken. You have hit the nail on the head at a very young age. You managed to pick up what Amardeep was saying. Remember poverty and richness are the same things. Hard to accept but if one focuses on Sach as Guru Nanak says life becomes easier to live and manage. The 4th Sikh Guru also lost his parents. He spent his life in service and became the Guru - to lead the world. Those who live in ivory towers or mansions are not necessarily happy. Richness of money begets its own problems one of which is how to I manage it. Like a serpent money couls them around from which there is small chance of escape. Learn to be humble. As a first step don’t criticize. You will reach and stay at the highest mountain peak. We are all here to help you.

  5. Dear Tenzin , It is indeed amazing that at such a young age you have so well understood the philosophical thoughts of the Sikh Gurus. I complement Amardeep Ji for v
    articulating these thoughts so clearly to the students . I most sincerely appreciate your understanding these revered thoughts and to express these so eloquently. May God Almighty keep you Blessed always. With my Best Wishes !

  6. I am extremely touched by your perception at such a young age. Believe in the Infinite potential within your Self and you will be able to achieve the infinite that you aim to accomplish. Wishing you the best for years to come. Keep persevering.


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