Sunday, 31 December 2023

Tenzin Chonzom pours out her heart for My Good School!

Good evening, sir; this is Tenzin Chonzom ✨

We did a lot for today's class, but what reflected in my mind was that happiness is the result and not a cause.

I want to write a short note on this because of a discussion we had in class. 

It depends on external things. Its result, which comes from within due to our kind works, gives happiness. 

* Life of Crescendo (reflection)

. Life is a mission, not a career

. It tells About what keeps people growing

. We learned about the six paths

       : happiness is the result, not the cause 

       : stress is not bad

       : Physical exercise is essential and good 

. If you enjoy

        : Cash doesn't last

        : Stay involved in work

        : Maintenance of a robust social network

. Anyone who keeps learning stays young 🌱

. Staying focused

. It's all recognition of the abundance of facts. 

*Creating Passion 

Passions are developed through emotions, mainly through activities that you find to be fun.

As mentioned by Amerdeep sir in a previous session, he remarked, "DON'T FOLLOW PASSION. CREATE YOUR OWN PASSION." he has motivated me through all aspects of problems with his meeting in the session.


* Leaving 2023 and moving to 2024 ( learning I did from My Good School in this passing year )

 . Breaking goals into smaller steps makes them more accessible for students to comprehend. As mentioned by Amerdeep, sir.

My Good School always taught me never to stop dreaming and to keep learning and improving my reading, writing, and listening skills.

A good school encourages the young minds of students and is filled with positive thoughts.

Thank you, sir.

Tenzin Chonzom
Pestalozzi Children's Village India

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