Friday, 2 February 2024

Being Grateful- Tenzin Dakar

For me being grateful means not just saying thank you to a person but it is a feeling from inside which shows gratitude, and respect towards the person, organization or any other entity. We should not take it for granted and should not disregard the effort or the hard work which is done by somebody for us to make our life and living a better one.

You should always be grateful for what you are getting whether it is education, food, knowledge, morals or even the place where you stay as there might be many people in this world who might not be getting the basic necessities which are food, shelter, clothes, etc.

I am grateful for the environment where  I live and study, the place which provides me good education, delicious food, teachers, morals and the opportunity to study in the best schools which may not be possible without the helping hands of others.

It makes me feel scared when I think of whether I will be able to meet the expectations of people and the thoughts which tell me, I won't be able to utilize the hardships and efforts done for me by others, or if I don't score good marks but, these thoughts help me to push myself become better and work harder.

Some people take the hard work done for them for granted and do not care much about it and forget about it. They are not satisfied with what they are getting and always want more, whereas some people wish for life like them. 

Tenzin Dakar
Pestalozzi Children's Village Society

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