Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Books are our Best friends - Animesh Kashyap

Books are our best friends, there is a saying. Books give us an enormous amount of knowledge. We go to school and learn a lot of new stuff. We are taught a lot of things and we are told some things. But to completely understand all concepts in the subjects, we need to read and consult the books.

The people who tell, teach or advise us are not always there with us but the books are always with us. We can refer to them and clarify our doubts or remind ourselves of some points we have forgotten or learn a point which we have not looked into so far.

Books may be costly to buy. But good books are worth more than the money. In some cases, friends don't come to help us, but books never cheat us. They always help us whenever we fall into trouble. Books play an important role in our lives because they make us knowledgeable, and intelligent, and help us to become mature and smart people.

Animesh Kashyap
Sunbeam School & Hostel Lahartara

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