Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Embracing Possibility - Animesh Kashyap

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"It always seems impossible until it's done". 

We are always afraid of the consequences of the work we have done because we often think about the result, but it can be achieved through practice. Like when our parents ask us to score 90% in our exams, there is a question mark, but when we start to work on that, we slowly become self-motivated. Things can seem really hard until we start.

Even though something looks impossible at first, if we keep trying and don't give up, we can make it happen. It's like saying, 'Don't let tough times stop you from reaching your goals'. So, no matter how tough things seem, we should keep going and think that we can do it. We should always think in our minds, 'I can and I will', as it gives lots of motivation. 

'Where there is a will, there is a way'."

Animesh Kashyap
Sunbeam School & Hostel Lahartara, Varanasi.

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