Tuesday, 30 April 2024

All's Well That Ends Well - Shambhavi Nautiyal

I feel like I did connect with the story in some way as I could resonate with the goat when it felt happy for itself being freed and sorry for the person next in line for sinning. 

I too have been in a situation like that, where I did something wrong and realised it as soon as I had the asseveration of whoever I had wronged and just wished to be freed from that burden with the same thing happening to me. 

Soon the same scenario was created and I felt better that, at that time, I was on the right side but I felt bad seeing the other person going through the same thing I did years ago I tried convincing them at times and sometimes I did not. 

But regardless of the final story, it was all pre-destined, whether I was left disappointed, I enforced my boundaries and protected my energy or they listened to me and tried mending my ways, one thing holds absolute truth and It's that no one is indeed aggrieved. It is all fair, happening just the way it’s supposed to in line with those people’s past deeds.


Shambhavi Nautiyal 
Class- 10
Ahlcon Public School

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