Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Never Stop Dreaming - Shambhavi Nautiyal

One should never stop dreaming because if you stop dreaming, you lose vision of your future and your life purpose. So, instead of waiting for some fairy to show up and tell us where to find our passion, we should create it ourselves. This means we should take on hobbies, find what resonates best with us, and make it our life purpose. 

We should keep doing it until we become the best at it and then find something new, which would probably be around the corner because the universe renders us the energy we send out. 

If we have a productive mindset and want to keep working to keep ourselves alive; it is the purpose the universe will fulfil because the universe is constantly hearing our thoughts. 

So, if we tell the universe we want to evolve and become a straight-A student, it is the kind of path the universe will weave for us. And, this is the basic manifestation that we do daily, sending out messages to the universe through our mind and receiving replies with the same level of energy in the form of our life events. 

That's why, we should surround ourselves with the best kind of people, content and music to have positive thoughts. I am currently healing from this, I have renounced friends, I used to meet daily, who didn’t match my vibration, but now, I need to stop bonding with the foundation of trauma and sadness. I want to stop relating to people based on sadness and make it the foundation of my relationship with them. 

So, maybe, now I will not make any such friends when I am depressed, and if I do, then, I shall try my best to avoid them, otherwise. If I have friendships like that, then, whenever I hang out with them, I will feel depressed because that may turn out to be their inherent disposition, or we might never be able to interact about the good things in our lives because we would be so occupied with trying to cook up a conversation based on our melancholia. 

This attracts a kind of reality even further in my life, feeds that scarcity mindset, and brings down even my positive vibration. However, I have also had many nice friends made on this basis, those who understand me, empathise with me and don’t judge. But I have also had negative experiences where the negative would just linger and not go away. It boils down to enforcing your boundaries. I can go around, sharing my grief, but then it makes me dependent on external validation. 

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Class 10
Ahlcon Public School

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