Sunday, 4 August 2024

Reflections for the week - Sunday 4th August 2024

GSA Members are attending the Global Ed Fest

- From My Guide Inside- 

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. Life is a figment of your imagination

3. I used to believe; now I am...

4. Reflect on this quote: "You have the gift of thought to use as you choose. Imagine that!"

      -Describe something you remember making up. Use these sentence starters: 

5. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, for example, Life Skills classes

- From Jataka Tales -     

1. Find out about Jetavana.

2. What are the three calamities of your life? How will you help yourself?

3. Which dream of yours did not let you sleep?

4. What lessons can we take away from the story today?  

5. What does it feel like when your dreams come true?

- From The Hidden Life Of Trees – 

1. Find out about anemones.

2. What is your takeaway from today's session?

3. Why is there a battle for every light of sunshine in the forest?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     

You can email your reflections to -
Feel free to call Ma'am Manisha Khanna for help, you fill find the number on the top right of the page.

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