Sunday, 27 October 2024

Reflection Sunday The 27th October 2024

Sunday School No. 160
- From My Name Is Cinnamon- 1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 2. What were the key points in the chapter? 3. Who is Rabindranath Tagore? 4. What's so special about T Rex 5. Importance of reflection and clear thought 6. Have you ever read a magazine? What do you like most about it? 7. Smartphones in today's world 8. Life is all about balance - From The Hidden Life Of Trees 1. Why is the world full of colour? 2. What is your takeaway from today’s session? 3. What do we do for trees? 4. Do trees have a life of their own? How can humans learn to respect that? 5. Importance of "balance" in the forest 6. Taking care of trees and nature 7. How can we have a bolder approach to wilderness?
"If we use our knowledge to look after them, they will look after us in the future." These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! You can email your reflections to -

Key Takeaways:
  • Launched the "Joy of Giving" initiative, inspired by Doon School's legacy of service. Introduced on the 27th of October, the day the school opened in 1935.
  • Read and discussed chapters on forests/trees and My Name is Cinnamon - emphasising reflection
  • The upcoming Retreat (Nov 13-16) at Arthur Foot Academy will focus on service and experience nature on groind zero.
    New book "The Inner Life of Animals" will open at The Retreat on 15th November 2024

    Joy of Giving
  • Aims to promote service, skills, sports, and study among partner schools
  • Activities include resource sharing, volunteering, community projects
  • Kunal drafted a comprehensive post outlining the initiative's vision and activitie
The poll results for the questions- Do you read books/magazines?

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