Showing posts with label Dr. Sibal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Sibal. Show all posts

Friday, 17 June 2022

It's because of you - Rishona Chopra

It is because of you - that is what we say. We blame people for our troubles and failures, and believe me, even you do. If you get a cold, you blame another person in the family who also had a cold. You don't blame yourself for having a weak immune system! If you couldn't go somewhere, then you blame the weather. When you spill water on your t-shirt, you blame the person who bumped into you.

When we blame others, we are avoiding some truth about ourselves. We can blame other planets for our fault; we blame nature, people, and even our parents! It's always easy to blame but challenging to find and correct your faults. This also connects with one of Dr Sibal's values - Making mistakes, and accepting flaws.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

A class with the Headmistress - Rishona Chopra

Today we had a substitute class with the Headmistress. For a second, I was scared, thinking she would scold us but the period turned out very fun!

I thought we would do Math and other written work, but ma'am told us that she wanted to listen to us talk, so for a while, we spoke to her and showed her our art files, and she patiently listened to us. She was like the headmaster in Totto-chan, who listened to her patiently. 

Then ma'am asked us which period we liked and why science was the most favoured period. So she started discussing the life cycle of a silk worm and how wearing silk kills silkworms. She shared how we should raise awareness about this. This also tells us about one of Dr Sibal's values - be the change you want to see in the world. So first, we should stop wearing silk and then tell others to do the same. 

Today was my first time having a class with the Headmistress in the school, and it was also the best class ever.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Monday, 17 January 2022

Making Others Happy - Simar Kaur

The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but how happy others can be because of you. Every time we make someone happy, an indescribable feeling enters our body. It makes your day better, and at night you can go to sleep feeling better about yourself. Life is meaningless without compassion, love, empathy, and sympathy. It seems to be even more pointless if one is not happy. It is human nature to discover more and more ways to be more comfortable and more content with life. Many people find contentment and satisfaction by making others happy, and it works like a charm. The quest for happiness is not proportional to the pursuit of money, fame, or success. It's a quest present in the heart. If we follow our hearts, we will be happy with ourselves at the end of the day.

How can we be happy? There isn't one definite answer to that question. But there is a way, that is to make others happy. In his book 'Is your child ready to face the world', Dr Anupam Sibal names two famous personalities who followed their heart and made the world happier. Walt Disney made beautifully animated stories. His legacy continues till now. Many people find happiness in watching his stories and visiting 'Disneyland' each year. His creation Mickey Mouse makes millions of children laugh and smile. The second person Dr Sibal named was Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin made millions of people happy without even uttering a single word. The way he mended pain to be humour made him distinct from many others. His creativity is genuinely commendable.

One more person who made millions happy was a man named 'Jaspal Bhatti'. He continues to bring a smile to people's faces even today, after almost 9 years of his passing away. He is known for his satirical take on the common man's problems. Watching his episodes has been a bonding activity for my father and me. His humorous shows and witty acting have never failed to make us happy.

Making others happy is what can help us attain joy and happiness. It makes us more comfortable than anything else. If we even make a little effort and make someone happy every day, we will be happier with ourselves. That can make all the difference in the world.

Simar Kaur
Grade IX
Gyanshree school

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