Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts

Monday, 18 March 2024

Tribute to Parents- Shambhavi Nautiyal

How can you give tribute to your parents?

I tell my mother that I love her at least eight times a day and try to act as infantile as I try not to hurt her feelings and, in its truest sense, make her feel happy. Ever since my infancy, the dynamic has been like that, and I can never ignore how her face brightens. That’s maybe the reason I am not able to implement my emotional maturity with her because I still feel like I’m five and, so I’m not able to act my actual age until we have some ‘grown-up talk’ because I don’t feel like a thing has changed between me and her and, I hope that she can constructively share her experiences in the future so that I can view her as a rational adult willing enough to understand me and forgive me in the best way that she can.

To pay tribute to your parents, you can write letters of admiration for them, maybe like a ‘Thank You Letter’.  I'm going to be doing this for this 'Mother’s Day'.  It is on occasions like this when I feel like I can be inherently open about my feelings without the fear of getting roasted or hit by the reality of the nature of my conduct towards my mother. I don't feel shy about speaking sweetly to my parents, and I feel like that as that’s how I have been wired by the media I consume.

I am pretty bad at the respect part, I believe, because my parents keep telling me that and this is probably the first time I am mentioning my ‘darker side’ or mistakes in one of these blogs. What I have focused till now is more on the flaws of my parent’s parenting skills, and I have also recently discovered that I have had the ‘perfectionist syndrome’ in some way because I used to think of things as black and white, so I couldn’t bring myself to love and forgive both mine and others’ mistakes.

So now I just want to say to my parents, “I am so proud to be your daughter, both of you, equally and  I think I realise your true value and role in my life journey and mindset” because I don’t know when or if I would ever be able to say this to their face, because you know it’s easier with friends because they only show their best side to you but with family, it’s different. You know each other inside-out and if you’re able to love each other unconditionally despite that, then you are gold and the luckiest person on earth with one of the best subconscious minds and emotional patterns.

There is conflict in families only when, one of the members isn’t able to accept, forgive and love the other member’s mistakes and starts shaming them for being an irresponsible human, which sometimes may also be unfeasible which is why you should always do the inner work and healing so that you don’t create an unhealthy environment for others.

According to me, if the toxic member happens to be you, then question yourself, if their mistake is something changeable. If yes, immediately call out your toxic behaviour and remind yourself that it’s okay to be human and commit mistakes. Never make someone hate themselves to the degree that they can’t ignore it anymore. Also, if you want to get tribute then you need to make yourself worthy of it first, whether child or parent, don’t make your behaviours nullify all the formal work that you do, especially, to the point, that your child or parent, isn’t able to remember all your good efforts.

First, learn to love yourself and then propagate it to others because it all starts from the self if you ever want to become a parent, keep questioning yourself- Would you want your child to go through something you're going through at the moment? And to the person who observes this kind of ‘behaviour’, first, acknowledge what’s happening to you and then slowly start empathizing with the other member, be the bigger person and forgive them. Kill them with kindness and it shall all come back to you. Just try maintaining that abundance mindset and pay your tribute.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Ahlcon Public School
Grade- IX

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Importance of forgiveness - Nishan Karki

Forgiveness means letting go of negative feelings and attitudes towards another person. Forgiveness arises when we try to understand other people's feelings and show some sympathy towards them.
It is one of the most important human values.

Forgiveness can help both parties, i.e., the one who forgives and the one who receives forgiveness.

The paragraph written below is the famous mercy speech by Portia in the play The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare.

"The quality of mercy is not strained;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
'T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway;
It is enthronèd in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice." 

In the above lines, Portia says that mercy ( forgiveness) is not a quality that is felt or shown under any compulsion. It is shown by humans as naturally as the gentle drops of rain fall from the sky to the earth below. Mercy is a double blessing. It blesses both the forgiver and the receiver, or the one being forgiven. It is the supreme quality that anyone, no matter how great, can possess. It is the most powerful quality in those who have the highest authority. It suits a king sitting on his throne better than his crown suits him. The golden rod of authority in the hands of a king is an indication of the force of his earthly power. The rod of authority is a symbol of the fear that kingship inspires in others, and it indicates the high dignity of the king. But mercy is something higher and greater than earthly authority, which is symbolized by the rod. Mercy occupies a lofty place in the hearts of kings. It is a quality and attribute of God himself. Earthly power acquires a divine quality when a man softens the hardness of the demands of justice by showing mercy.

So, the quality of mercy or forgiveness is one of the greatest possessions of people. In fact, animals also possess the quality of mercy, so why can't humans? The quality of mercy or forgiveness must be in the possession of every living being on earth.
Nishan Karki
Pestalozzi children's village society
Image Courtesy- Premium Times Nigeria

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Why forgiveness is important? - Tulsi Karki

Forgiveness is part of healing and letting go of the past. Holding on to negative emotions may cause too much burden on our minds. Forgiveness is not for others but for us. For example, when a teacher is angry over something, a student asks some questions. He/she gets severe scolding from the teacher. The student feels bad and talks negatively about that very teacher. But later, if the same student finds difficulties in understanding any chapter and has to learn from the same teacher. That student won't feel uncomfortable asking for help because he or she has forgiven that teacher. Here, the student gets the benefit and gets to learn many things. If that student held grudges towards the teacher, would he or she ever get to know that chapter? No, because holding grudges and never forgiving teachers would not help the student.

Forgiveness can lead to healthier relationships. It shows how much strength we have and how we manage to pull through the hard times. 

Tulsi Karki
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image courtesy- Experience life- lifetime

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Broken Relationships - Aria Gupta

Broken chain PNG image

Broken relationships are when someone you know well is distressed because of you. It may be because of a disagreement or a particular action you took that upset them. Sometimes, your POV will be correct, but sometimes, their POV is right, and it’s essential to understand. 

Understanding is the central part of the process of fixing a relationship. You need to understand how a person thinks if you want them to like you. 

How to do that? 

Talk to them and at least try to understand what they want. If you find out that they’re right, apologise. If you have the correct way of thinking, calmly explain to them why you’re right. It may be challenging, but it’s the only thing you can do to fix a broken relationship.

Aria Gupta
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Coffee With The Coach : Emotions - Anvesha Rana

Today We Talk About Emotions

Don't cling to things because everything is impermanent. Learn to detach yourself from emotions. But detachment doesn't mean you don't let the experience penetrate you. On the contrary, you let it penetrate fully. That's how you can leave it. 

Take any emotion - Grief for a loved one or pain or fear from a task. If you hold back on these emotions and don't allow yourself to go through them, you can never get to being detached; you're too busy being afraid. You're afraid of the pain; you're afraid of the grief. You're afraid of the vulnerability that loving entails. 

But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. You know what pain is. You know what grief is. And only then you can say, 'All right, I have experienced that emotion. I recognize that emotion. Now I need to detach from that emotion for a moment.'

How we feel lonely, sometimes to the point of tears, but we don't let those tears come because we are not supposed to cry. Or how we feel sorry for what we have done, but we don't say anything because we're frozen with the fear of what those words might do to the relationship. 

Instead, our approach should be the exact opposite. Turn on the faucet. Wash with the emotion. It won't hurt you. It will only help. If you let the fear inside and pull it on like a familiar shirt, you can say to yourself, "All right, it's just fear; I don't have to let it control me. I see it for what it is."

Same for loneliness: you let go, let the tears flow, feel it completely - but eventually be able to say, "All right, that was my moment with loneliness. I am not afraid of feeling lonely, but now I will put that loneliness aside and know that there are other emotions in the world, and I will experience them as well."

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

Coffee With The Coach: Love Goes on - Anvesha Rana

Today We Talk About How Love Goes On.
We all love our family, friends, and teachers, but that is when we are alive. We live and love but do we ever worry about being forgotten after we die?

All throughout our life, we are involved with so many people in different ways, and after all, love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone. After a dear one passes, we may hear their voice when we are back home and all alone; that is love. If we can hear their words, they are not gone. Just listen to their call, and they will be there.

Making people feel welcome is another way of love. Only when we believe in being fully present can we love and let love. When we talk to someone, we should focus only on what is happening between us. We should not think about what someone said last week or what is coming up next Friday. If we want to love and wish for others to love us, we should live in the moment now. 

Learning to pay attention is an important way of love. So many people are always self-absorbed in their lives; their eyes glaze over if you speak for more than thirty seconds. They already have something else in their mind - a friend to call, a fax to send, work to do. They only snap back to full attention when you finish talking, at which point they say "Uh-huh" or "Yeah, really" and fake their way back to the moment. 

Part of the problem is that everyone is in such a hurry. People haven't found meaning in their lives, so they are running all the time looking for it. They think of the next car, the next house, the next job. They find those things empty, too, and they keep running. Once you start running, it's hard to slow down, but it's not impossible. 

We are great at small talk: "What do you do?" "Where do you live?" But really listening to someone- without trying to sell them something, pick them up, recruit them or get some status in return - how often do we get this anymore?

So to be loved, we first need to learn to love

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Forgiveness - Arav Agarwal

Reflection on the chapter forgiveness from the book Is Your Child Ready to Face the World? By Dr Anupam Sibal

I got to know about forgiveness for the first time when I read Dr Anupam Sibal’s book and learned about the magic forgiveness creates. I understood that forgiveness is setting a person free and discovering the person was you itself as when we don’t forgive, we don’t feel good, and it is we who suffer, but if we forgive, then it is we who feel happy.

I had no experience of forgiving someone or someone who has forgiven me. If I happen to meet with such knowledge, I will always keep in my mind that forgiving people is forgiving ourselves.

There are beautiful examples in the book of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi who were always forgiving. Nelson Mandela forgave the people responsible for putting him inside the jail for 32 years, and Mahatma Gandhi forgave all people who did wrong with him.

I will never forget that Forgiving is the key to peace and happiness.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 5C
Billabong High International School, Thane

Monday, 14 March 2022

Forgiveness - Simar Kaur

My reflection post-reading chapter 18 of the book.
I deem forgiveness as an opportunity to look at the situation positively. When someone does something to hurt us, we start hating that person. It often results in adverse changes in our mood and a thirst to take revenge. We don’t get satisfied until and unless we retaliate. Once we maintain this as a habit, people notice behavioural changes, and that is how we enter into a vicious cycle that traps us for life.

My middle school experience is something that I describe as terrible. The reason for that is the bullying I faced as we entered into a wider world. Till fifth grade, our innocent selves don’t let materialistic items affect our judgement. But in sixth grade, as we enter into the world of unavoidable changes, we can’t help judging a person by the way they look, how someone performs in their studies and much more. I was a victim of that and possibly an attacker. I kept that with me for a long time, resulting in my grades and academic life deteriorating.

Eighth grade was a breath of fresh air. Covid pandemic hit, and we were all trapped into lockdown. 

Eighth grade was like an opportunity to escape my struggling social life. I had a chance to get away from all my friends and classmates and be the ones I loved. And that made all the difference. I felt refreshed, and I was a lot more cheerful and happy. But I realised that my happiness was not a by-product of avoiding people. I became happy when I decided to forgive everyone who hurt me in the past in one way or another. I forgot all about my past misery and people who had actively been a part of it. It made me feel a lot better. 

After two years of break from social life, I enjoy school. I may not have a lot of friends, but I have what I need. Going back to school wouldn’t have felt this good if we wouldn’t have been trapped in lockdown, and I wouldn’t have been as forgiving as I am now. But now I know that forgiveness is extraordinary, and I am trying my best to apologise and forgive anyone I hurt or anyone who hurt me.

Simar Kaur Grade X Gyanshree School

Forgiveness - Ananya Bhatia

My reflection on Forgiveness after reading the chapter in Doctor Anupam Sibal's book called Is Your Child Ready to Face the World?

Forgiveness is the key to Happiness.

Happiness and Forgiveness are both connected to each other. If we forgive, we will also feel a sense of Happiness. Bhagavad Gita says that if you want to be brave, look to those who can forgive. It means that a weak person can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of a solid and courageous person. I conclude by saying that we forgive others for being happy ourselves.

My Name is Ananya Bhatia. I study in Ahlcon Public school in class 9th. I like Reading books.

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Forgiveness - Anvesha Rana

' There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love. '

All of us have had experiences where we were angry at someone. A small mistake, a menial conflict or an accusation can raise our fury in seconds and without thinking of the consequences, we let anger take control of our actions. We are aware that when we yell, scold or blame, we create a vicious cycle, yet we allow our wrath to flow out on the other person. Why should the person who has no connection to our misery be blamed for it, and then how are we supposed to expect him to say it's ok? A simple sorry does not change anything; sorry is not just a word; it is a lesson and a promise that we make to never repeat the same action again. These days sorry is treated nothing more than five letters, and it is almost obvious, as per the new social norms, that the person we are apologizing to has to say it's ok, whether they like it or not. 

Forgiveness is not just a virtue; it is also a sacrifice that the world immensely needs right now. I believe forgiveness is the best form of love because it requires a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive. We should forgive others, not for their sake but for our own peace, since as long as we don't accept the apology, we continue to boil our pessimistic emotions to the point that they start overflowing. We suffer due to the deeds of others. Consequently, we should free ourselves of this and instead forgive the person with our whole hearts. When we hold grudges against people, those grudges consume our good deeds, and they probably affect us much more than they affect the person we are holding them against. Grudges seldom hurt anyone except the person bearing them. 

If we don't bend, we break. Forgiveness does not make the person smaller, but it makes him bigger. Revenge is not the only solution; through the means of revenge, we are retaliating to the person who affected us through his own ways. By seeking revenge, we continue the cycle of evil deeds in the world. Instead, if we forgive everyone for whatever they did, we convey the message that goodness is still alive, and we also instil a sense of morality in the person we had to forgive. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School. 

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Friendship - Khushi Badgeri

Friendship is a state of trust where two friends spend time talking and knowing each other. Friendship is an important relationship in everyone's life. It means understanding, forgiveness, growing together, sharing, and keeping secrets. Mainly it also needs to have lots of patience.

For me, my true friendship is with my books and nature. I love to see the beauty of nature and write its beauty in my book. I love to plant seeds and see their different stages of growth. I can talk to them
while watering or being around them. Plants can listen to you and feel your touch. You have to preserve nature. It's our responsibility in friendship. The more you plant trees and take care of nature there will be greenery everywhere which will help our ecosystem.

Name: Khushi Badgeri
Grade: 2A
Billabong High International School, Thane

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Compassion - Savyata Rijal

Compassion-the nature of humanity, it's the essence. It is to feel someone else's pain as one's own and act in a way to reduce that pain.

There is nobility in compassion, a beauty in empathy, a grace in forgiveness-
John Connolly.

Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength -
Dalai Lama

Now that we think about the word 'compassion', it probably makes us feel like we can do something like that. It makes us feel like we should stand up for the people and portray our compassion in our own small way.

I would share this example- how the founder of early 'Big Hit Entertainment' or today's 'Hybe Entertainment' stepped in and helped a now 'BTS' member 'Suga' debut during his training period! You probably wouldn't imagine, but even Min yoongi was not born into a wealthy family, he had difficulty; he struggled during that time because he had to decide between saving money for food or to use for the bus, he thought about losing his dream of debuting because of it. But then Mr Band Si Hyuk stepped in and gave him time to let up and pay for his tuition. He helped him debut and let us know the rapper 'suga'.

Not just Mr Bang Si Hyuk but also inspiring people like Mother Teresa have also been very compassionate. They inspire us and help us become a better person. Our parents also help us become better people, and they should never stop us from helping the ones in need. Parental support and guidance will help us become more sensitive and compassionate beings.

Savyata Rijal
Grade 8
The Doon Girls School

Reflections Since 2021