Showing posts with label Freedom Fighters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom Fighters. Show all posts

Friday, 18 August 2023

Independence Day - Ritesh Gaire

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15th August is a special day for Indians as they celebrate it as Independence Day to pay tribute to India's freedom fighters and leaders who fought for India's freedom.

It was on 15th August 1947 that India was declared independent from British colonialism. And the reins of control were handed over to the leaders of our country. 

India's gaining of independence was a tryst with destiny, as the struggle for freedom was long and tiresome - witnessing the sacrifices of many freedom fighters who laid their lives on the line.

We should always be grateful to the freedom fighters who fought for freedom. We should thank those men and women who did not bother about their happiness but instead thought of the honour of their mother country. 

They are the ones who gave us the country we live in, the free air we breathe in. They gave us the scented soil we are proud of. They gave us the dignity we deserve as citizens of the Indian subcontinent. 

Ritesh Gaire
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India

Sunday, 11 December 2022

The Great Tribal Warriors of Bharat - Anvesha Rana

The meticulous lines drawn out from the intricately woven Indian history narrate a tale of valour and patriotism, chivalrous and courageous fighters astounded the invaders with defiance for crumbling in pain their fragile and ancient machinery might lay down on the battlefield. Still, the spirit of freedom ignited further after losing. Indians unified is a resilient symbol of Pure Indian Strength; our most significant asset lies in our people.  A girl of mere 14 years of age being a mentor to Kasturba Gandhi, or a British official holding a man defeated, in his highest esteem. It is not the power but the personality of Indians that is embedded, leaving indelible impressions on people. Helen Lepcha, a lady of substance from the Lepcha community, helped Netaji Bose escape and was a chief member of the Non-Cooperation movement. Our impregnable freedom is a culmination of the endeavours of numerous freedom fighters; the depths of oppression create such heights of character. Our Independence was not a birthright. It was fought for with life and death by these tribal communities. Anvesha Rana Grade 10-B Gyanshree School

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