Showing posts with label Functions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Functions. Show all posts

Monday, 21 October 2024

Colors In Nature - Simrat Kaur

Colours in nature often serve specific functions that have evolved. For example, the vibrant colours of flowers attract pollinators such as bees, birds, and butterflies, ensuring the reproductive success of plant species. Similarly, some trees change colour in autumn as part of a process that helps them conserve energy for the winter months. Trees and plants may use colour to signal various states or conditions. For example, the changing colours of leaves can indicate nutrient shifts within the tree or environmental changes. 

Wohlleben discusses how trees "communicate" with each other through their root systems and even via their outward appearance, like changing leaf colour in response to stress. Colours can also serve as a means of protection. For example, certain trees and plants have evolved colours that help them blend into their environment, avoiding herbivores. Conversely, bright colours in some plants may warn potential predators that they are toxic or inedible. 

The book's broader message is that colours are not merely aesthetic but have evolved to fulfil ecological functions that maintain the balance and harmony of nature. The natural world's vibrancy reflects life's complexity and the interdependence of all living things.

Simrat Kaur
Class 9th
Sunbeam English School Bhagwanpur

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Totto-chan's Mother - Anvesha Rana

Totto-chan's mother is a unique parent. She understands her daughter like a mother, treats her like a friend and protects her like a soldier. Totto-chan is lucky to have such a benevolent mother who supports her in all her decisions. She is a calm and composed lady and has brought up her daughter similarly.

The best part about Totto-chan's mother and Totto-chan is the comfort level that the mother and daughter share, so much so that Totto-chan shares everything with her mother. Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believes first. Totto-chan is an open minded and free spirited child only because she has a mother who doesn't want her to walk in her footsteps, but she wishes for Totto-chan to imprint her own feet on a new field.

Totto-Chan's mother is just like my mother,

She is soft hearted yet strong willed, 

She is compassionate yet unwavering in principle, 

She is a loving mother, yet she wants her to go beyond the horizons, 

She worries about her daughter, yet she pushes her into the waters, 

In short, simply a SUPER MOM.

Anvesha Rana,
Grade 10-B,
Gyanshree School.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

The Annual Day at School - Anvesha Rana

The Annual Day at School is an occasion where we ignite the concealed explorer inside each child. Be it the sports day, the investiture ceremony or the theatrical performances. All these functions at school initiate children to think beyond the blue. Studies are not the only thing we go to school for; school is about friends, teachers, skills, sports, services and most importantly, Fun! 

If you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. If we all love to go to school, then we will indulge in all the activities there, and by doing that only, we will be able to experience The School of Life. 

Annual Days have always been special to me. The teamwork by everyone to put up the show is evident in the performances, the zeal with which everyone performs is irreplaceable, and the sense of belonging to the school lasts forever. Annual Days are an excellent way to create mutual trust between the students. All the kids strengthen their bond and spark respect for their school by performing together. Annual Days should celebrate the community and promote the diverse cultures in the particular region.

The Annual Day should be one such day when the entire school comes together for a single cause. It should celebrate each student's creativity, uniqueness, interest, skills, and values as part of this colossal organization. A school without students is like memory without a picture. Students make up the school. Thus, it is vital that the students are happy. 

Anvesha Rana.
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School.