Showing posts with label GSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GSA. Show all posts

Monday 22 July 2024

Varsha reporting from Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel

Mr. Paul - Director QCR&D, had an interactive session with the bright minds of the My Good School reading club at Sunbeam Lahartara Hostel. He delved into the significance of 'reflection' and had a truly enlightening discussion. Boarders also shared their views and learnings. Additionally, Sir had a stimulating chat with the Interns, guiding them through the many volunteer roles they can take on during the internship.

- Report filed by Varsha Banerjee from Sunbeam School Lahartara: She has signed up for the Fellowship Program with the GSA (Learning Forward India Foundation).

Friday 24 May 2024

The forge of life - Saikiran Sahu

                                                      Illustrated by Christian Espinosa

In the forge of life, we're tested, tried,
Through every hardship, we abide.
Though storms and thunder may 
rage and winds may blow,
Our strength within begins to show.

With every stumble and every fall,

We rise again; we stand tall.

Each challenge faced, each fear unchained,

Our resilience is surely gained.

From struggles faced and fights won,

Our endeavour's just begun.

With every stride, we grow stronger yet,

In the face of adversity, we'll never forget.

Because our motive is to rise, conquer, endure,

And become stronger evermore. 

                                                                                                      -Saikiran Sahu XC