Showing posts with label Humility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humility. Show all posts

Friday, 25 August 2023

Success is Good but Significance is Better - Tenzin Norsang

Picture Courtesy:

An unknown author said it so well, “Success is good, but significance is better.” 

People of today’s world have come to think that money is everything to gain happiness in one’s life. 

Well, there is no doubt that you need it to lead a beautiful life, but it provides us bliss only to some extent. It can buy us the most luxurious and fancy things in this world. But still, it cannot buy us internal peace, true love and happiness. 

We seek all these only when we give ourselves to others that we find true merriness. 

A wise man once said, “Selfless service is the rent that one should pay to live on this planet.” Through selfless service, we make others jubilant and content. It also soothes our hearts with pleasure. It fills our minds with positivity and everlasting memories. 

Helping others leads you to the path of finding your purpose in life. It also assists you in discovering inner peace.  Wealth can only define a person's financial status. It cannot express their humility. 

If someone wants to be successful, earning money should be one of his priorities. However, it shouldn't become their highest priority. The highest priority in one’s life should be helping others achieve success. 

As a wise man once said, and I quote, “The one who holds the purse, holds the power”, which is a universal truth. An affluent person is bestowed with two powers and must choose between them. They can either lend a helping hand to the weaker sections of society, alleviating their suffering, or they can exploit them to the fullest, misuse their power, and instil fear in their hearts. 

It is rightly said that a wealthy person’s humility is defined by how they spend their money. Leaving a positive impact on society is achievable by extending a helping hand to those in need.

In summary, money is something that provides temporary satisfaction and happiness. Accumulating wealth can grant power and high status in life, but it will not grant happiness. One can achieve the greatest happiness by giving oneself to others and adding value to their lives. What matters most in life is not just personal success, but also significance.

Tenzin Norsang
Pestalozzi Children's Village. India.

Saturday, 1 July 2023

Appreciation - Rishona Chopra

Appreciation is to appreciate, as in to be grateful and thankful for something. 

Most of us have so much to appreciate, but we still take time to find mistakes and need to remember to embrace all the privileges we have and don't appreciate. There shall always be greed for more, but it's on us to know how to control it, appreciates what we have, avoids finding what we don't have and stop this greed for more.

Finding out mistakes is easier and more catchy to talk about. I faced this problem myself! Although I have a lot to appreciate, I used to find what I didn't have. I have worked on that mistake and have stopped complaining and enjoying what I have. It's a little tricky, but when you think about your home, good clothes, and education, most people might not even have you feeling happy and grateful for what you have. 

Apart from appreciating the little things in our life, appreciating someone can fill a heart with joy. It can motivate someone to work harder and strive for more. 

Just clapping for someone, giving them a thumbs up, or even smiling at their work can bring a smile to someone's face. 

Appreciation is also a vital quality. Appreciating the little efforts done by our peers and students is essential. We each have something special about us, and instead of thinking just about ourselves, we should take the time to appreciate others. Who understands that better than our teachers? Teachers take particular time enjoying, helping, and thinking about their students. And I am sure we all can appreciate our teachers for the time they took to think about us.

At the same time, Appreciation for others shows your modesty and humbleness. Instead of thinking about ourselves, we appreciate other person's efforts. Humility and Appreciation build a good relationship between peers, two base values of a healthy classroom. Values like cooperation and respect come in when we have the base of humility ready.

Rishona Chopra Grade VII Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Understanding - Anvesha Rana

Understanding is not just about learning but also about living. When others confess their mistakes, lies or problems to us, we often turn a blind eye towards them and do not listen. Still, we need to be humble enough to understand what they are going through, be kind enough to give them a shoulder and be trustworthy sufficient to accept their reality. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Each person deserves love and affection just the way we do.

Understanding is not a simple task; it requires the power to trust and tolerate and the necessity of being thoughtful while observing the simplicity at the heart of the matter and eventually giving in honestly to love. If we can understand, then we can trust. If we can understand, then we can be patient; if we can understand, we can tolerate and understand; only we can love.

At My Good School, understanding is experienced at its core. We initially listen to each other and then begin to understand one another. This is followed by a bond of trust, tolerance and humility, and as time passes, we begin to treasure the standard tie of love that connects us all. Understanding is the foundation stone for building upon the structure of love.

In the Mahabharata, an incident occurred during the Gurukul days of the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Guru Dronacharya, the teacher of the princes, had to leave the gurukul for a fortnight due to some urgent work; hence, he had called upon all his pupils and asked them to complete their lessons by the time he returned. All students finished their work and did some extra tasks as well. Guru Dronacharya returned after a fortnight and called his pupils to the classroom; one by one, he individually asked them to come forward and inform him how many lessons they had completed while he was away.

Someone said three, someone else four, others 5 and so on; the teacher beamed at his students as he looked at them with love. At last, he called Yudhishthira, the eldest son of the Pandavas, and Guru Dronacharya was sure that Yudhishthira would have done more lessons than everyone else. However, when asked the question, he answered that he had only done one sentence. The teacher was shocked and yelled at him that in a fortnight, he could only do one sentence; Yudhishthira apologised but repeated that he could only understand that sentence. The other pupils were shocked as they saw their Guru mercilessly scolding Yudhishthira. However, he stayed rooted in his words. At the end of it, when Guru Dronacharya finally asked him what the sentence was, he confidently replied, “Control your anger and Guru ji, it took me 15 days to learn how to control my anger, so I could only complete one sentence.” Guru Dronacharya stood in awe and appreciated Yudhishthira, for he had understood the power of understanding, an ability not yet attained by many of us.

Anvesha Rana

Grade 11 

Gyanshree School

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Humility - Nishan Karki


Nishan is a student at Pestalozzi Children's Village India
and a regular contributor to the Joy Of Learning Diaries

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Cause and Effect - Priya Gupta

My pencil puppet gives me #joyoflearning

Reading The Art Of Focus at The Sunday School. Chapter 27, Humility and finding God, the Creator. #God #Humility by Gauranga Das.

Cause and Effect: Rationalists will concur that there needs to be a cause for an effect.

Puppet: Another example is a puppet show. When we see puppets dance (the effect) beautifully in the story narrated, we deduce that there is a puppeteer (the cause) entertaining us from behind the curtain and running the show. It’s foolish for the audience to think that the puppets are dancing on their own. It’s equally foolish for the puppets to think that they are independent and that they are the source of entertainment. In fact, they are instruments of entertainment. Just like puppets, we are instruments of God, aided by a body with its five senses and the subtle elements (the mind, ego and intelligence).

Priya Gupta
Pestalozzi Childrens' Village
Dehradun, India

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Human Quality: Humility - Rishona Chopra

Despite living in a world of widespread competition and arrogance, whenever you come across a humble person, have you said – "What a humble person, it was lovely meeting him." Have you experienced how even a little humility goes a long way in giving love and joy to others? Our success may not please someone, but our humility has a universal appeal. 

We all want to be humble and modest, but sometimes, ego seems to take over, and we end up feeling prideful. The simplest way to check is - When we are humble, we are in the giving mode, radiating our love and purity to others. When there is ego, we shift to the asking way where we want to love and respect. And then we start radiating rejection, anger or hurt. If we are not aware of it, there is a possibility that our ego will surface. Remain calm and stable whether you receive appreciation or criticism. Expectations, competition and comparison, will slowly finish. Every time you act with humility, your ego gets defeated.

There is always someone greater than us, someone better. Often we end up in the trap of jealousy rather than appreciating the person. Appreciation for others shows your modesty and humbleness. Instead of thinking about ourselves, we understand other person's efforts. Values like cooperation and respect come in when we have the base of humility ready.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Swami and Friends - Anvesha Rana

However badly Mani would have despised Rajam, he cannot bring the cruelty in his heart to hurt him. On being face-to-face, they apologize to each other and end up being great friends. What scared Mani the most was that if he hurt Rajam, Rajams' spirit would haunt and torture him, so it was best to be friends rather than foes. 

I am not afraid of ghosts or spirits, except at night, whenever I sleep and even if the door is slightly open, I feel as if someone is peeping in, so I permanently close my door before sleeping. Also, I find it really hard to sleep alone after watching a horror movie since the scenes are living in my mind, and I just can't bear to think that there will be a ghost standing there when I turn around!

Swami talks about odds and ends, ups and downs, to his one-of-a-kind grandmother, who just wants to tell him how wonderful his grandfather was. The constant bickering between the two is very usual to others. For me, a conversation with my grandmother is fun. We talk about her times, like how school was then, how the uniform was and how strict the teachers were. She loves to talk about knitting, which is also her favourite activity and then my grandmother likes to ask me about myself. Also, she always cooks my favourite meals whenever I visit her. 

Swami, Rajam and Mani are good friends, but they were impertinent to a fellow helper, and this also ended up in Rajam being offended, but that was alright as it was Rajams' fault in the first place since he was trying to show off. There is a mark difference between show, and show-off; we show everything from our books to clothes to gifts, but we also show off a colossal amount of things like a new watch or some expensive clothes. To show off is to exaggerate the object more than its actual value, and to show is to make others see what you have in its truest and purest form. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Humility Comic Strip - free-hand version

 We did this free hand!

To be humble, you don't have to do something big; small acts can say everything.

Comic Strip Team @ My Good School
Please meet the comic strip team for this month:  Rishona, Anvesha, Simar, Arav and Gaurangi. Thanks to all the interns, they have worked hard to create comic strips on Humility. 
Arushi Goswami, a teacher at Gyanshree School, is our guide for the project.

Humility - just like a tall bamboo!

Please note how simply a humble bamboo tree 
teaches Humility to humanity.

Comic Strip Team @ My Good School
Please meet the comic strip team for this month:  Rishona, Anvesha, Simar, Arav and Gaurangi. Thanks to all the interns, they have worked hard to create comic strips on Humility. 
Arushi Goswami, a teacher at Gyanshree School, is our guide for the project.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

A sprinkle of HHL - Rishona Chopra

All you need is a sprinkle of HHL,
Let me tell you more about it, yes I will speak,
HHL is Hope, Humility and Love,
That will make you shine like a dove,
Hope will make your heart smile,
Humility will take you a mile,
And love will make you feel in heaven, right above!
Make someone else smile,
And your heart will shine,
Some positivity,
Some freedom from pride and negativity,
It will make your day for sure,
And then you'll score life's big goal!
All you need is Hope, Humility and Love!
I am sure it will make your life full of happiness and love.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Getting To Know You,life - Reveda Bhatt

So, today, I'll tell you a truth that humans need to face boldly.

First of all, let's ask ourselves once what life means? I think life is just a path leading to a very mournful destination- death!

When you realize the meaning of this one statement profoundly, the first question popping into your mind is that 'Then what am I struggling for!?' If this is it, then you are back on the right path - I mean working really hard to earn money, not being a spendthrift, saving it for your future generations and then, after getting old, waiting for 'the payback' from your children for what all you've done for them but when you get what you expected or have more than you expected, it is too late.

At that particular point in time, all the places in the world long for your presence to be there, but your life doesn't allow you to, and by the time the reality hits you, you get a callback from where it all began. So, see, where you are, at this moment, this place is unique, so why not live life to your best right now, and not think about what's ahead or what's the end, cherish every moment so, at last, you do not blame anyone or anything for not being able to, and that's just life, the sooner you understand it, the better it'll be!

Reveda Bhatt 
Class 9
The Aryan School

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Poem on Humility - Arav Agarwal

Humility comes from simplicity;
It teaches us equality. 

Humility strengthens connectivity;
Fills our life with positivity.
Kindness, Compassion, Gratitude
Are humble person’s attitude.
Treat each other with respect and dignity
And always practice the value of humility.

Name: Arav Agarwal
Grade: 6A
Billabong High International School, Thane

My Good School Season 2, Episode 5

2nd of July 2022

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Why Humility Matters? - Story of the Titanic

Listen to the episode on, our podcast station.

Nibbrati Rathore, a passionate educator and a #HappyTeachers, is blessed with a beautiful voice and a love for children. She is a mentor, volunteer and teacher at My Good School. This episode is about humility, the value that should be numero uno, successful, and humble.
Learning Forward Podcast 

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Totto-chan's Mother - Amaira Bhati


Totto-chan’s mother is kind, gentle and calm. Totto Chan had been expelled from her old school, but her mother had not scolded her, and she did not even tell her about the suspension so as to not upset her daughter. Instead, she made Totto Chan go to a new school. 

The teacher of Totto-chan’s old school was disappointed and annoyed by her but mother always stood by Totto-chan’s side and let Totto Chan be the cheerful and chirpy girl she was; mother kept Totto-chan’s expulsion a secret. 

It was the first day of Totto-chan’s new school, Tomoe Gakuen. It was a school with railroad cars as classrooms, and it deeply excited the jovial Totto Chan. Her mother played a crucial role in all this; she encouraged Totto-chan to share what she liked at the school that day and listened to all her tales with amusement. 

Even when Totto-chan ran to her mother and told her she wanted to be a ticket collector, her mother coolly reminded her that she wanted to be a spy instead. Totto-chan is very lucky to have a Mother so encouraging. Deep down, Totto-chan’s Mother knew all about her daughter’s potential even when she concealed her feelings most of the time. That’s the power of a mother.

Amaira Bhati,
Grade 3-F,
Gyanshree School

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Humility - Rishona Chopra

Here is my podcast on humility

Do you wish to rise?
Begin by descending.

Do you plan a tower that will pierce the clouds?
Lay first the foundation of humility.

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI
Gyanshree school

Friday, 4 February 2022

Leadership - Anusha Jain

I am sharing a podcast video about my thoughts on leadership.

Anusha Jain, 
Grade IX, Ahlcon Public School
I love reading, and Harry Potter is my
favourite series.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Humility - Shambhavi Nautiyal

Reflecting on Chapter 1, Humility from the book Is Your Child Ready To Face The World? by Dr Anupam Sibal.

This chapter tells us the meaning of humility. It tells us that humility is not to think less of ourselves but to think ourselves less. In this chapter, the importance of humility is depicted. It informs us that humility has to be present in an individual.

If a person has lost their humility and does not respect anyone else lesser than their status, then that person would not be great and will not be considered a genuinely good person. This chapter also depicts how humility becomes the first virtue and how it makes successful people great. It shows this through various examples of many well-known and flourishing people who remained humble, even after becoming what they are, simply achieving greatness and charm in the people’s hearts, which makes their success even more fruitful.

As shown in the chapter, some simple actions, like greeting workers at different public places with their names, making our juniors comfortable with us and making someone’s tiny wishes or dreams come true, can help us learn the vitality of humility, that also brings joy to those people. The way I see things, the chapter would help many kids like me understand why we should do these kinds of simple actions suggested to us by our parents and why they’re essential. I also observed that this chapter has shown many real-life examples and what happens when we do all this stuff for real, which encourages us to enact them.

We should start early to emerge other virtues and help ourselves rise by laying this foundation of humility.

Shambhavi Nautiyal
Grade VII
Ahlcon Public School

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Joy Of Reading - Khush Rajpurohit

Session 1, 14th November 2021

In today's world, where technology makes enormous demands on children's time, it is tough to communicate with them. On the occasion of Children's Day, an online book reading programme has launched "Joy of Reading" by My Good School to encourage reading among our students and extend communication with them. At this prestigious moment, many students attended the session to inculcate reading habits and life lessons. We believe that reading books helps us to excel in every field. Books are full of stories, knowledge, experiences, values and many more. 

The session was led by our chairman Mr Dutt. We started with Dr Anupam Sibal life lessons, reading the first chapter, ' Humility' from 'Is Your Child Ready To Face The World'. 

We read the chapter, understood the value of humility and learnt its importance in our life. The group was assigned tasks and shared situations that will help us experience humility. 

I sincerely thank My Good School team, Our respected Chairman, Principal Ma'am, teachers and parents for their efforts. Your initiatives for helping students build life skills are indeed profoundly appreciated.

- Khush Rajpurohit, XII Science, The Fabindia School Bali

Joy Of Reading by My Good School meets every Sunday at 11 am; we read one chapter of a book, currently reading 'Is Your Child Ready To Face The World?' By Dr Anupam Sibal.

How do we do this?
Open for individuals and schools, we organise online reading sessions with children from their homes, along with their families and friends. By sharing real-life experiences on the Joy Of Learning Diaries blog, the students express themselves in any form - write, audio, video, graphic, poetry and what they enjoy the most. #ReadToLead

Reflections Since 2021