Showing posts with label Ikigai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ikigai. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

My Sunday School - Manisha Khanna

Today, on World Mental Health Day, I would like to share my reason for joining "The Sunday School". 

IKIGAI, for me, is Sunday School. "Ikigai" is a Japanese word that signifies "life purpose" or "raison d'être." I don't engage in a lot of activities on Sunday. I work six days a week and take Sundays off, but when I learned about SUNDAY SCHOOL, I saw that this was precisely what I had wanted to do all these years as an avid reader. I resonated with the idea of Sunday School right away. We all have a ton to do on Sunday, but after two weeks, I learned that this time is my IKIGAI. This is how my relationship with the Sunday School began.

"Reading without reflection is like eating without digestion." —Edward Burke.

I'm looking forward to receiving everyone's reflections for this week.

Manisha Khanna

Your Sunday School host

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Ikigai - Rishona Chopra

I am on my journey to find my Ikigai,
While wishing I,
Could see it sooner.
But little do I know,
That my journey,
Is an army,
To find my ikigai,
And that itself is an ikigai.
All ambitions and dreams,
Half-fulfilled streams.
Never have I felt this passion.
To find my meaning for being.

We all were born to do something. But this question always encounters us - What is my reason for being? The beautiful part is that knowing this takes a long journey for most people. Some of us already know our passion - our reason for being.

It's okay if you don't. It's a journey that has to enjoy. Have you ever felt that by watching a movie related to space, you want to become an astronaut or perhaps by watching a few video games, you want to be a creator?

Many people have gone through this journey, and you know you don't really have to put in any effort. Life unfolds itself with its wonders. Let it.

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 26 June 2022

We Were Only Playing - Rishona Chopra

Playing is probably the best thing about childhood. I love playing, going out in the sun and running and having lots of fun; that is childhood. Here's a thing about playing - you don't need toys to play with. All you need is a friend, and that friend can be you.   

Making games to play with yourself is the art of playing. When I am bored, I make some slime and squish it with some chemicals and do experiments or while studying, I act as if I am a teacher and teach all concepts to imaginary children and sometimes to my parents too! 

Totto-chan had a pet. A pet comes with a lot of responsibility, but you always have a partner to share your feelings with. I sometimes wish I had a quiet puppy, but I am not ready to take the responsibility, and I think that if we keep a pet, we shouldn't keep it in a cage and bring it with its sibling or mother, so we don't separate the pet from their family.

The innocence of a child is all about their selfless compassion - In Japan, they call it - Omoiyari, a section of Ikigai. In the chapter, even though Totto-chan was bitten by Rocky, she cared even more and ensured he wouldn't be scolded.

Selfless compassion was mastered by Totto-chan at such a young age. But as we grow, we often start to think more about ourselves and not about others, but I bet when Totto-chan grows up, she will have mastered Omoiyari!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VI
Gyanshree School