Showing posts with label Melody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melody. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Wrap-Up from Sunbeam School Varuna

SUNBEAM VARUNA by Learning Forward India Foundation

Sunbeam School and Hostel Varuna share a Wrap-Up for 2024!
The love the Sunday School and contribute their reflections to the Joy Of Learning Diaries regularly. Today, the celebrate Christmas Eve with us!

Monday, 16 October 2023

I am the master of my fate - Sakshi Singh

I am a composer and conductor in the Grand Symphony of Existence. Each decision is a note; every action is a melody. With unwavering purpose, I sculpt the contours of my destiny, crafting a masterpiece uniquely my own. The score may challenge, but I wield the baton, guiding my life's composition onward a crescendo of fulfilment and purpose.

Sakshi Singh, 
Class 9, Gyanshree school

Image Courtesy- Lazuardi Medium

Reflections Since 2021