Showing posts with label Merry christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Merry christmas. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 December 2022

Merry Christmas 🎄!! - Oshi Singh


Merry Christmas ⛄🎄!!

Wir alle lieben Weihnachten!

In Deutschland wird der Weihnachtstag 25, Familien lesen Weihnachtsgeschichten und singen Weihnachtslieder zu Weihnachten. Sie sitzen zusammen und essen traditionelles Essen. Die Deutschen haben zu Weihnachten einen Countdown-Kalender "Adventskalender".

Vier Wochen vor Weihnachten wird jeden Sonntag eine Kerze angezündet. Die kleinen Kinder freuen sich über ihre Geschenke. Ein weiterer wichtiger Tag vor Weihnachten ist der Nikolaustag am 6. Dezember. St. Nikolaus ist bekannt als der Geschenkebringer für Kinder. Am Vorabend des Nikolaustages stellen die Kinder ihre Schuhe vor die Tür, die er mit Süßigkeiten und Schokolade füllt.

An Weihnachten wird traditionell gerne Kartoffelsalat mit Würstchen gegessen. Bei den Süßigkeiten sind Lebkuchen und Spekulatius bei allen am beliebtesten. Sie sind bereits ab September auf den Weihnachtsmärkten und in den Bäckereien erhältlich. Ich finde Weihnachten seid sehr lieb. Jedes Jahr fahre ich mit meiner Familie in den Winterurlaub. Wir alle lieben Weihnachten für die Feiertage, Weihnachtsbaum, Geschenke und Süßigkeiten!

Was machst du an weihnachten?

What do you do at Christmas?

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 

Merry Christmas! - Rishona Chopra

Merry Christmas !! I know most of us don't believe in the stories of Santa Claus, but sometimes it's good to play along with it and enjoy the festival!    

A small act of giving could mean everything to a person. Giving not only makes the other person happy but also makes us happy. As said,' make others happy, and you will be satisfied in the same way give and give, and you will feel better. When we give, we shouldn't expect the same from a person. We should give from our hearts.

At Christmas, we receive gifts but have we ever thought that instead of receiving, we should give more and buy things, not for us but others in need. If we can afford it, buying stuff for us when we need them makes sense. There is a tremendous difference between want and need. When we want something, we don't really need them; when we need them, we want to use them properly. So on Christmas, we should give and not take, and we should give it in such a way that we do not mind if the other offers a return gift. So today, On Christmas, let us pass, share and give selflessly!!

Christmas reminds us of beautiful angels with wings and a divine wand in their hands. Wings symbolize the angelic and light stage of the mind, which is experienced through purity and soul-consciousness, and the sacred rod is a symbol of positive blessings we receive from God and then share with each soul in the world!

Christmas is not only about giving but also about love and care. Time and commitment. Let's spend some time with our loved ones on this beautiful festival of joy. If you can see the love between plants and animals, then why do only we humans fall into the trap and ego and anger?

Love is patient; love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs. 
-The Bible

Rishona Chopra 
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India