Showing posts with label My Guide Inside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Guide Inside. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Reflection Sunday The 3rd November 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. MGI Book II Wheels of Learning Keep on Turning

Come on along:
Learn to recognize your state of mind. Know it by the feeling you are in.
When you focus attention, you will be aware of changes in your feelings.
This means you are naturally listening to your guide inside.
Helpful insights improve your feelings and natural motivation.

2. What do you think? Let’s talk about it…
“Sometimes it was only their thoughts that were making them unhappy and if they could understand…it would help make them feel well.” (Dear Liza)
How is this story like something you know?
Think of a time that you noticed your wheels of learning really turning.

3. Twinkle knows…
Sometimes it is only your thoughts that make you unhappy.
My guide inside helps me decide!
It is best to let the mind clear when you are confused.
Happiness is inside every one of us and keeps popping up.
Trust common sense.
Learning is easier when you feel joy in life.
     …Now you know, too!

4. Learn Power Words.

Make a story using these powerful words
confused-not clear
decision-a choice
grateful-feeling thanks
ignore-do nothing

5. Review Points of MGI Book II.
Explain how much you have discovered about yourself!
Your guide inside is always present. (aka, wisdom, intuition)
Thought is a gift and we have the choice of which thoughts to act on.
Insights help us know ourselves and understand our world.
Understanding thought and using insights makes life fun.   

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum that aligns with our work at My Good School and helps us focus on life skills.

From My Name Is Cinnamon-

1. What was your takeaway from today's session?
2. Is it good to hide from everyone to gain attention?
3. How will you help your friend who feels insecure?
4. Explain the aftermath of criticism.
5 Which was the best birthday gift you have received so far?
6. Which cuisine you would love to eat and why?
7. What will you do to help your parents if they are having a financial crisis?. 

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections! You can email your reflections to -

Key Takeaways

  • Cinnamon struggles with his identity as an adopted child when faced with not getting a new bike due to financial constraints.
  • The importance of critical thinking and examining one's thoughts objectively was highlighted.
  • Friends play a crucial role in providing honest feedback and support during challenging times.
  • Gratitude and reflection were emphasized as tools for personal growth and perspective.


Story Discussion: Cinnamon's Bike Request

  • Cinnamon misinterpreted his parents' response to his bike request, assuming he would get it despite financial constraints.
  • The story explores the impact of assumptions and communication gaps between children and parents.
  • Participants discussed the importance of clear communication and managing expectations.

Adoption and Identity

  • Cinnamon's struggle with his adopted status intensified when he couldn't get the bike he wanted.
  • The story highlights how external factors (like not getting a desired item) can trigger deeper identity issues.
  • Participants explored Cinnamon's emotional journey and the importance of addressing adoption-related feelings openly.

Financial Literacy and Empathy

  • The story introduces concepts of financial constraints and cost-cutting measures within families.
  • Participants discussed the importance of children understanding family financial situations.
  • Empathy towards parents' financial decisions was highlighted as a key learning point.

Friendship and Peer Influence

  • The role of friends like Pally (offering honest feedback) and Sundar (negative influence) was analysed.
  • Participants discussed the importance of choosing friends wisely and handling negative peer interactions.

Emotional Regulation and Critical Thinking

  • Cinnamon's spiral into negative thoughts was examined as a cautionary tale.
  • The importance of stepping back and examining thoughts objectively was emphasised.
  • Gratitude was suggested as a tool for maintaining perspective during challenging times.

Next Steps

  • Participants are encouraged to write reflections on the story and share them.
  • Students should prepare for the upcoming retreat, which promises fun activities and surprises.
  • Continue reading the next chapters of "My Name is Cinnamon" for further discussion.
  • Apply lessons learned about critical thinking and gratitude in daily life.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

GSA Calendar November 2024

My Good School every Sunday
3rd November 2024
Christa Campsall MGI Book II Chapter 7
My Guide Inside
My Name Is Cinnamon

10th November 2024
My Name Is Cinnamon 
The Hidden Life Of Trees - concluding session
The Impact Team Meeting

13th – 16th November

Fireside Chat with Christa Campsall - Book III Chapter 2

We turn the pages of two new books!
The Inner Life Of Animals 
My Good School - 4.00 PM on 15th Nov
Shomie Das The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
The Teachers’ Academy 5.30 PM on 15th Nov
Both sessions will be live on Zoom

17th November 
Amardeep Singh
Screening of Episode 11
Allegory: A Tapestry of Guru Nanak's Travels
The Inner Life Of Animals

24th November 2024
My Name Is Cinnamon
The Inner Life Of Animals
The Impact Team Meeting

Good Schools India Journal
2nd November 2024
Joy Of Learning - post by Sandeep Dutt
15th November 2024
2 Girls 1 Mic - Oshi and Simar
29th November 2024
Where Passion Meets Education – Nisha Bhakar

The Teacher's Academy
2nd November - book concludes
Chapter 11 Wanted Back-bencher Last-ranker Teacher 
15th, 23rd and 30th
Book reading - Shomie Das The Man Who Saw Tomorrow

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Reflections - Sunday School 1st September 2024

- From My Guide Inside

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. What were the words discussed today and how do they reverberate with you? 

3. I used to believe, that I am. 

4. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, the work we do at My Good School and helps us focus on Life-skills.

-From My Name Is Cinnamon-     

1. Don't you think math was invented to torture us?

2. What are UAO (Unattractive Academic Objects) according to you?

3. What are nicknames you use for someone and why?

4. Did you read any detective novels or know some famous detectives?  

5. Solve the following problem,' said Kadubole. 'Shashat has Rs 400. He spends 3/4 on sardines and 1/4 on prawns. 1 kg of prawns cost Rs 150 and 1 kg of sardines cost Rs 50. How many kgs of prawns and sardines does he buy? 

6. Does Cinnamon's life anecdotes resonate with you and how?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     


You can email your reflections to

We will read Chapter 28 - Burnout, from The Hidden Life Of Trees, next week.

Sunday, 4 August 2024

Reflections for the week - Sunday 4th August 2024

GSA Members are attending the Global Ed Fest

- From My Guide Inside- 

1. What was your takeaway from the session today? 

2. Life is a figment of your imagination

3. I used to believe; now I am...

4. Reflect on this quote: "You have the gift of thought to use as you choose. Imagine that!"

      -Describe something you remember making up. Use these sentence starters: 

5. I used to believe… But, now I understand…

Note: MGI Online is a school well-being curriculum which aligns with, for example, Life Skills classes

- From Jataka Tales -     

1. Find out about Jetavana.

2. What are the three calamities of your life? How will you help yourself?

3. Which dream of yours did not let you sleep?

4. What lessons can we take away from the story today?  

5. What does it feel like when your dreams come true?

- From The Hidden Life Of Trees – 

1. Find out about anemones.

2. What is your takeaway from today's session?

3. Why is there a battle for every light of sunshine in the forest?

These are some suggestions you can choose from. Looking forward to seeing your wonderful and thoughtful reflections!     

You can email your reflections to -
Feel free to call Ma'am Manisha Khanna for help, you fill find the number on the top right of the page.

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

My Guide Inside - Arfa Khan

MGI Reflection at My Good School 

What I took away from this session-
My Guide Inside is like a little voice, an inner wisdom that tells us what is good and wrong and how we feel. It is always in us; we must calm our brains and thoughts to know precisely what we want.

We don’t have to feel guilty for having a comfortable life—we should be happy to have the opportunity to help others with that! I felt the same guilt for quite a while. I thought that there were so many people dying and starving, and I was not able to help. 

Many people want to be like us, but we don’t reflect on it. But now I realise that maybe I will not be able to help everyone, and that’s okay because I can start from my community; that counts as help, too!

Our inner sunshine still exists, even if we have a terrible thought. Just because the sun has been covered by clouds doesn’t mean it has disappeared! The clouds will eventually leave, and it will be all sunny again. If we have a terrible thought, we should label it as just a thought and not pay heed to it. We are in control of our thoughts, and we can redirect them when we want.
Arfa Khan
Ahlcon Public School

My Guide Inside (MGI) Author Note:
MGI Online is for Indian school classrooms. MGI has 3 levels for: young kids, kids, and teens. Story-based MGI focuses on 3 Principles, Language Development, and 21 Century Competencies. MGI includes Hindi vocabulary and is ideal for Life Skills courses.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

My Good School Calendar - July 2024

My Good School on Sundays - 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th
The Teacher's Academy on Saturdays - 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.
Good Schools Alliance Monthly Meeting on fourth Saturday - 27 July 2024


Article - How to Conduct Staff Meetings

- Good Schools India Journal www.GSI.IN


• My Guide Inside Book Reading with Christa Campsall

• Meet & Greet with Sunil Malhotra

- Google Meet at My Good School


• Screening of Allegory: A Tapestry of Guru Nanak's Travels Episode 7, with Amardeep Singh

- Google Meet at My Good School

• JOL Diaries Newsletter

- Website


Podcast 3 Girls 1 Mic Episode - 14

- Good Schools India Journal www.GSI.IN


Podcast with Amardeep Singh Where Passion Meets Education

- Good Schools India Journal www.GSI.IN

We are glad to inform our community about our upcoming events in July. Author of YOGAi Sunil Malhotra, Author/Educator of My Guide Inside Christa Campsall, and founder of The Lost Heritage Amardeep Singh will join us in this power-packed month! The esteemed guests will read and share their experiences as passionate educators. We encourage you to join our Sunday School for rich and fruitful interactions. Remember to attend the monthly meetings.

In June, we invited ex-IAS officer Dr Sanjeev Chopra. He touched on life, culture, success, passion, and more. We invite esteemed and inspiring personalities to My Good School. I hope you join us in experiencing the joy of learning. 

Please visit our website 

Neetu Koranga
Learning Forward India Foundation

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

2023 and all it had to give - Rishona Chopra

2023 has been a fantastic year for me! There were lots of ups and downs and lots of learning to take away!

The start of the year was rather bumpy. It started with annual exams which weren't the best so that was a letdown for me.  But then the fact that I was going to another higher grade made me quite cheerful and excited. I must say, the new semester was a fresh start. It allowed me to improve from my past mistakes and learn from them. 

The first day of school was a new door. It was the day when I met a lot of new people. New students and teachers too. I did have some negative perceptions about a few people but now that I think about it those perceptions have changed drastically. I suppose you can't assume things without knowing someone first!

Then there were exams. I had mathematical formulas, equations and a ton of nervousness rushing through my mind but we did make it through the exams too. 

I can't go on about 2023 without mentioning my journey with My Good School. It was a fantastic year! From Meet and Greets with several authors and entrepreneurs, I not only expanded my collection of books but also expanded my learning by miles. Each Sunday session was valuable and priceless. There was something new to take away each time. 

Another highlight of the year was My Guide Inside. The sessions I did with Ms. Christa Campsall were invaluable and being able to conduct similar sessions with younger grades was the icing on the cake. MGI has been a huge part of 2023 and it's all thanks to the mentors who work hard to give us this meaningful bundle of learning and joy. 

My most trustworthy and silent companion was with me throughout this journey; That companion is a book. Books were a crucial part of 2023. I explored new genres and read some amazing books that are indeed no less than a treasure. I dived into the world of polar bears and dogs and some very touching stories of families. Books just take me to another world and make the year more memorable. 

I wouldn't have made it through the year without my family. They are the ones I do have disagreements with but also the ones most dear to me. I believe sometimes we take the gift of family for granted but it's important to realize that having parents to hold on to is a blessing. It's perhaps the greatest gift in the world and they are what made my year better than ever. 

There were a lot of highlights of 2023 and these are just a few of them. There were a lot of times in the year when my behaviour was rather negative and I will try to improve upon it. Of course, you can't permanently remove negative feelings from your life but it is vital to work towards positivity. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 5 June 2023

To be human... - Rishona Chopra

Humans. That term rings a bell, doesn't it? What does it really mean?

Scientifically, humans are the most common and widespread species of primate.
Psychologically, humans are complex beings, and their behaviour and mental attitude result from interaction within and between their internal biological, psychological and social systems.

There are several definitions of "human", which are perhaps countless. I believe that "human" is just a term for creatures with two arms, two legs, two hands, two feet, two eyes, one nose, and two ears that can talk and express their words clearly. Apart from our distinct physical features, we are like any other living organism.  

There is so much we can learn from the smallest of creatures. Ants, for example. They work diligently in an organised manner and are quite industrious. They never fight with each other and don't interfere with each other's work. They simply do what they do. Even sheep, they only care about getting food and water. They don't realise that they're walking a new road every day. They probably don't see that the fields are different and the seasons change as long as we give them food and water. (lines from The Alchemist).

 This shows that sometimes we humans too, don't realise that every day is a new adventure, a new beginning to relish. We are so busy in our work that we don't care to look out the window and see the world's beauty. 

You might think that animals don't have feelings, but we do, so we are superior to them. But, have you ever been in the mind of an animal? Probably not, so you have no idea if they have feelings and thoughts too. And if you have been in the mind of  an animal, bird, or plant, tell me what you saw in the comments below!

It is right when we say humans are complex. Everything is perfectly laid out, but we unnecessarily make our  life complicated and create issues. We get puzzles to solve, telling us that the boy has to reach a box of cookies through a complex maze. We can just directly take the boy to the jar without really going inside the maze but going out of it! Isn't that so much simpler? 

We say animals' life is simple, but we don't realise that so is ours. We divide ourselves foolishly into castes and religions. In my opinion, it is nothing but our blindness to the truth. We separate ourselves based on different "gods", but there is really just one god, a power that guides us. "My guide inside", as some of us would call it. I wouldn't comment more on that but this is my opinion. 

Let me ask you a question, or why don't you ask yourself a question. What is your purpose on Earth? To get a good job, earn money, be a good citizen, be a good child, and be a good student? You would probably quote all your roles as a reply. I believe that your only purpose is to do good. I think we all have forgotten that very purpose and are physical humans but mentally we are not. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

The Wheels Of Learning Never Stop Turning! - Rishona Chopra

Yes, it is rightly said that the wheels of learning never stop turning!

Participating in the My Guide Inside program has enriched my thinking and perspective on several things. 

"Mind + Consciousness + Thought = Reality" is the base of this book.

Universal Mind is the source of all intelligence, and Universal Consciousness, allows us to be aware of our existence. And Universal Thought, which guides us through the world.

There are several learnings I took with me from the MGI Pilot Program. I think we can all agree on how each session had its own beauty and importance.I am going to be sharing a few of the key points I think are quite vital to understand and know about.

I learnt how we all are just lost thinkers. Our imagination is limited to what we know. Our thoughts and actions are based on the knowledge we know. It is vital to break that boundary and think beyond it. To add perspective to every situation. In any case, we think only from our perspective and stick to what we know. If we consider ourselves lost thinkers, looking at each view and reflecting on the day correctly, we might find peace and happiness with everyone. 

We all have our own separate reality, our own thoughts and our own world. All of us face differences of opinion at some point or another other, but it is vital to understand another person's perspective. Just like, we think what we know is correct, the other person feels the same. Instead, if we believe, "My thoughts are just a perspective, they aren't the best, and perhaps I should listen to others' thoughts and then evaluate." Things would get a lot better. 

I personally loved the line "Life Is Like A Piano". When I started playing the piano, I wanted to learn to play my favourite song, but it is essential to be patient and take a few steps back, learn and then strive to play the music to its best. Similarly, in life, we have to be patient and learn from others and listen to their thoughts and wait instead of directly jumping on the result. In this way, we can do a task to its full potential. 

Learning is something that never stops at each point in life, we learn something new and exciting, and at My Guide Inside, I learnt quite a lot and will continue to discover more!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

My pen's view on nature - Yashraj Sharma


A big part of who we are or how we are recognised is the company we stay in, which means the type of people we are surrounded by.  

Mother nature is also filled with examples like this, like this picture I took today at the Pradhan Mantri Sanghralaya. Let me tell you the 2 ideas I came up with when I first saw this picture.

First, I thought that the part of the tree with the concrete wall in its background is the stage in a person's life when they have a fixed, enclosed and rigid mindset. But the part of the tree with the other trees in its background is part of a person's life when they are mixed with people with positive vibes and a "growth" mindset open to new thoughts and suggestions. This thought about the different perspectives of people depicted in this picture came to me from the 'My Guide Inside' session on Friday.

The second utterly different idea I came up with was that when the tree had the concrete wall in its background, it is the stage in a person's life when they sometimes get mixed in "negative" company. But the part of the photo where the tree has other lush green trees in its background. That is the stage when a person slowly progresses to be surrounded by people with positive feelings, thoughts, discussions and ideas.

These precious teachings and skills to live life to the fullest, provided by nature, are everywhere, just sitting in the landscape waiting to be discovered….

Yashraj Sharma

Grade: IX

Gyanshree School, Noida

Monday, 17 April 2023

The Lost Thinker - Rishona Chopra

Our imagination is limited to what we know. Our thoughts and actions are based on the knowledge we know. It is vital to break that boundary and think beyond it. To add perspective to every situation. In any case, we think only from our perspective and stick to what we know. If we consider ourselves lost thinkers, looking at each view and reflecting on the day correctly, we might find peace and happiness with everyone. 

Sometimes, in situations at home that we experience with family or friends, we try to do the same outside. If someone misbehaves with us, we act the same way with other people. This happens because of all the feelings accumulated in us. We want to let it all out, and doing the same with others worsens things. We all need someone who understands our importance in this world and truly knows us, but no one can understand us better than we do. We have to be that 'someone'. Only then can we find true happiness. 

You need to reflect and move on. You can't simply be ignorant and move on, and you can't keep remembering forever, either. Both steps are part of the journey. 

Life is like a contact sport. Let us take the example of football. There is winning and losing in the sport. But what matters is what attitude we play with. Do we play for the mere joy of playing or for winning? If we play for pleasure, we will be happy even in the hard times. If we take life to be a field with ups and downs, winning and losing and yet a place full of joy, we will never feel disheartened in the tough times and know there is always a ray of hope. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 9 April 2023

Living in the present, leaving the past in the dust - Rishona Chopra

Life is like a piano. You are the master; you choose the keys and create your own tune. But to make that memorable tune, you must first learn life's chords and rhythm. Understand the essence and be patient; only you can be the master and create a marvellous theme.

It is our world, our decisions and our choices that we have to make. One cannot make a choice for us, but we should always lend an ear to good advice. Life is like an open book. It starts with an introduction followed by the growth of the story and, in the end, a conclusion. Whether we plan to make it a horror, fantasy, comedy, happy, emotional, or any other way is up to us. But we notice in the story that one is never alone; there are a thousand helpers.

The pianist can only make a good tune with the piano's keys, and each key is critical. Do the keys fight with each other? No, they all know they are equally important, and the song is incomplete without any of them. Therefore, we should understand that no one is the best or the worst. No one is any greater or less than us. We are all equal and have nothing to fear. We have our own unique qualities that bring us together. 

"We all are one soul in different bodies."

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Monday, 3 April 2023

Flawsome and Fun - Our True Identity - Rishona Chopra

Often we find faults in ourselves. In whatever we do, we consider ourselves to be the worst and keep finding spots in our own work; not only that, but we also start judging the work of others and keep finding flaws in it. It is never good to criticize ourselves or anyone, but knowing our mistakes and learning from them is good.

Instead of finding faults and criticizing ourselves, we should look at it with a positive attitude thinking that we shall not make this mistake again. We all make mistakes and learn from them. We must not have a delusion about ourselves. Therefore we are flawsome - have flaws but are yet so awesome!

Sometimes, we try to change ourselves for someone else, we tend to show off and change our look, personality and style just to make friends but that does nothing. It simply pressurizes us. Therefore we should have an open character and know we are flawsome yet fun.

On the other hand, criticizing the work of others is clearly wrong because we need empathy and fairness towards others. We must understand the feelings of others. If we spot any mistake in their work, we mustn't show it to them rudely. But politely point it out with the intention of looking out for them only if they ask for our opinion. We shouldn't misguide them. 

None of us is perfect with no mistakes, but our imperfections make us so perfect!

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 26 March 2023

The Lure Of Being Secure - Rishona Chopra

I think something we all feel is insecurity. At some point, we start rethinking our decisions and doubting ourselves.  Insecurity is simply a negative feeling which is really a disguise to fit in. It can be caused due to jealousy, and a lack of self-determination and optimism. Before raising our hand in class, do we feel a slight doubt about asking a particular question? We might feel what will other students think? Will they think that we don't know the answer to such a simple question. 

It is usually the thought "What will others think" that bothers us and affects us. No matter how much people say that we shouldn't care about what others say. Deep down, at some point, we do care, or at least I do. When someone says something about me in a negative way, it affects me if the person saying so is close to me as a friend or family. 

Whenever we feel something like that, we can always talk to ourselves. When I feel jealous of someone I tell myself that I am turning green with envy and that I have to turn normal again. It makes you feel better and makes a good laugh. 

Sometimes, we stop being ourselves and put on a personae of insecurity just to fit in. But, why fit in when you can stand out?

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School