Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 December 2023

The Lost Heritage - Amardeep Singh

Learning Forward with Amardeep Singh is the co-founder of Lost Heritage Productions and the Oneness In Diversity Research Foundation.

‘Lost Heritage Productions’ is a Singapore-based visual media production house led by a Singapore-based couple, Amardeep Singh and Vininder Kaur. It is focused on research and documentation of forgotten legacies.

Born in Gorakhpur, Amardeep Singh attended The Doon School. He studied Electronics Engineering at the Manipal Institute of Technology and Masters in Business Administration at the University of Chicago, USA. He now lives in Singapore. Having worked in the Financial Services sector for 25 years, he has led the Asia Pacific Region at American Express for Revenue Management of the Credit Card business.
Since 2014, he has dedicated himself to visual ethnographic research. He has authored two books, ‘Lost Heritage, The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan’ and ‘The Quest Continues: Lost Heritage, The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan’. He has also made a few documentary films on the remnants of the Sikh legacy remnants in Pakistan.

Amardeep has led a cross-border team to create a 24-episode docuseries, “Allegory, A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels, " available on

Guru Nanak glided across distant lands for over two decades on a selfless pursuit. He engaged in philosophical and social dialogue to relate with people of diverse cultures and belief systems. Through words and music, he gracefully imparted experiential insights, fearlessly challenged the binary constructs of society, and relentlessly opposed gender, religious, racial and class inequalities.
The work put forth by Mr Amardeep and his team is truly inspirational. Guided by Guru Nanak’s philosophy and inspired by historical texts, “Allegory, A Tapestry of Guru Nanak’s Travels", a 24-episode docuseries, sequentially presents the life events of Guru Nanak.

Tune into this beautiful conversation where Anvesha is conversing with our guest, Mr. Amardeep Singh. Listen to this meaningful and engaging discussion where Mr Amardeep explains the purpose behind his endeavours, dwells upon the beauty of taking up such journeys and contemplates the effect of this magic upon the followers of Guru Nanak. Trace along with us as we travel the same path, turning the stones unturned.

Thank you, Anvesha and Saikiran from Gyanshree School at Noida, India.

Monday, 21 August 2023

Thoughts on Independence Day - Smarika Karki

Picture Courtesy:

Being independent is the state or quality of being free from the control, influence, support, or the like of

Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru guided India's eventual independence in 1947 by resisting non-violently to British rule. The large-scale communal violence took before and after the subcontinent partition into two separate states - India and Pakistan. India celebrated its 77th independence day on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023. 

We should celebrate Independence Day every year because it glorifies the day when the Indian Independence Act came into effect. The Act established India and Pakistan as separate countries, no longer under British imperialist rule.

Smarika Karki
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India.

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