Showing posts with label Pen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pen. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 November 2023

The author of my story; the master of my fate - Rishona Chopra

I have always believed that we are the author of our tale. We are the ones that create our story and decide how it shall conclude. The pen is in our hands and it is our wish to decide how things shall go. 

We are the master of our fate and we can decide which path we choose and go on. Yes, there will be numerous challenges on our way. Yes, there shall be a few earthquakes and floods and things that bring us down. But, its the way one soars after being pulled down each time that matters. 

There are lot of people or rather characters that influence our story. They may influence our decisions or bring about a plot twist or setback in our story but again the pen is in our hands. We are the captain. The final decision is in our hands.  We have the power to control our thought. We have the power to control our attitude.

A thought that comes to my mind is that what about instances when something bad happens? Lets say one gets fired from their job. That may not be one's destiny. This is just another flood in our life; something influencing our story. Some people may go down and drown with the flood and some may swim through it an survive. It's all about the attitude and thought in life. Someone may come across a serious injury and accept it and happily pass away to heaven abode; nothing bad in it at all, they wrote their ending and it was what they wanted,that was one's happy ending. Some may try and try to survive this earthquake and yet fail but I'd say that's not failure; giving up because you think its too tough is failure because nothing is impossible. 

Another thing is death. People don't want to die but eventually they have to. Its just the way it works. You may live as long as 400 years but it has to end. One day it has to. That is the all eternal end but fate here is how you live your live. The future of all the small events in our life. 

There are a few lines from a song I would quote:
"He said,One day, you'll leave this world behindSo live a life you will remember"

What matters is how we live our lives. With happiness and glory or sadness and misery.

We all can surely make our fate better. Better and happier. We have the power to do that. 

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Looking for happiness - Rishona Chopra


It is something we all try to look for in everything. Everything temporary. We look for happiness in a cup of ice cream, but when that ice cream finishes, so does our happiness. Why isn't our happiness long-lasting and in our control? If we look for happiness in a pen, once the pen is broken, our happiness will be broken, too. We are the authors of our books. We are the hand that controls the pen. But in this case, isn't the pen controlling the hand? Aren't our feelings going in control of someone else?

When someone does something not to our satisfaction, we lose our happiness. In that way, can't that external person take control of when we are happy and when we are sad?

Another instance is when we see one of our family members or friends sad, we often tell them, "If you are sad, I will also be sad," but that is not the way. Again, someone else is controlling our feelings. Why not cheer them up instead?

The journey of looking for happiness is quite an interesting one. At every moment, we realise that we are giving control to someone else or something else. Even though I always hear this, I have not fully found happiness in myself. I have not found happiness being alone with nothing, but we all learn at every step of life, and so am I. 

There are a few lines I remember from a book I read, they were:
"Never search for your happiness in others; it will make you feel alone. Search it yourself, and you will feel happy even if you are left alone."

Rishona Chopra
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Autobiography Of A Pen - Oshi Singh

Image courtesy, used by Oshi Singh for representation only

I remember what a refined personality I was born with. My journey started when a lot of metal, ink plastic were put together in the factory. After some finishing touches were made, I was born. I was eagerly waiting for my brothers and sisters. After everyone came, we were sealed and ready to travel. We were kept on the floor in the carton. At first, I thought we were being thrown, but suddenly I heard an appealing voice from the back saying, "Take this carton to truck no. 5, which is going to London." I was really excited! Suddenly, there was a loud thud and the box opened partly. I quickly looked outside, and it was all dark. I slid inside with fear of what might happen next. After we reached the airport, we were kept in a cargo plane, and no one saw that the box was partially open. After everyone had fallen asleep, I came out and saw outside. Everything looked so small from above. After 2-3 days of travelling and sneaking out, we finally reached London. 

After all the sweet moments we spent with each other, we were separated from each other and taken to different shops. I was in Pen Heaven (a pen shop). I was kept in the front display and was the most expensive pen on my street as well as of that time. Many people stopped to take a closer look at me, but because of my price tag, they couldn't afford to take me home with them. And always decided to buy a cheap pen. Now comes the day when my life changed. Put on your seat belts because everything is about to change. I remember it was about to rain that day when a rich man entered the shop and took me home as a gift to her younger daughter, Celery. And I was her favourite pen, her precious possession. 

After a year, a new pen came on the market, which, unfortunately, Celery bought. I couldn't help noticing her writing with him all day long, in front of my eyes! I would get furious, and to be honest, I was a bit jealous too. One day when she was writing with both of us, I started feeling weak and trembling, and my worst fear came true. My ink was FINISHED. Luckily Celery had one last refill, and she quickly filled it in. But now I know my end is near, and only a few days are left in my life. Next month, the same thing happened; I thought of me being Celery's favourite, she would still keep me with him besides that new boring pen, but she did something unbelievable! I still can't believe she threw me in the trash can! How mean can these foul creatures get? 

In no time I was lying in the dark, stinky dusty garbage bag but then unexpectedly something unbelievable! I couldn't believe my eyes; I saw my refill and quickly filled myself. I dusted myself as much as I could and made my escape. I pressed the nearest doorbell of someone's house and lay down on the floor. It was an old man in his red gown whose doorbell I rang. I believe it was Christmas day when he gave shelter under his roof. Just like Christ, even I was reborn. I guess I am no less than a god. Anyways, the refill that I had used wasn't actually working. Quite a bit of a bummer! Today it's been exactly a year, my refill is empty, but I am still with the old man. I sometimes miss Celery, but I am grateful to the old man. I wish I could show him my gratitude after all he has done for me. But, yes, at last, I at least have a peaceful retirement.

The message:

Just like Celery replaced the pen in the story, we humans, too, have a terrible habit of giving all our attention to something or someone new in our lives. Our full attention goes to the new person or thing in our life. We forget to be grateful for our old precious possessions during this period. The same thing happened with the friendship of Swami, Rajam and Mani. When Rajam arrived, all of Swami's attention went to him, and he started to ignore his old friends. Although he didn't mean to, he hurt Mani's feelings on the way.

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 


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