Showing posts with label Percy Jackson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Percy Jackson. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 July 2022

My World of Stories - Anvesha Rana

The Library may be better and far, 
but the one at my home, to it, has no par. 
The Library may have more books, 
but the one I have has more love but no looks. 

I love my library, 
may it be small or short, 
but life is also not counted by years but by friends, 
a library is not counted by books but ends. 

The friends in the corner of my room, 
the lessons in life loom,
The Library has taught me everything, 
from love to compassion, all of them ring. 

I have a friend called Harry Potter, 
a mate Percy Jackson, 
I know a lovely man who is Morrie Schwartz, 
and the most beautiful Totto-Chan. 

The Library has opened my world, 
it may have been small once, 
but now it's twice that same once. 

Let's all read, 
for one life may be monotonous, 
but hundreds will make that one super anonymous. 

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10-B, 
Gyanshree School

Good Schools Of India