Showing posts with label Princess Diana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Princess Diana. Show all posts

Friday, 14 January 2022

Compassion - Pravar Kasma

What is compassion? What do we learn from this?

What is compassion? What do we learn from this?

Being compassionate is something about doing something for someone, whether it is tying shoelaces or even helping people to better their life.

From the chapter "Compassion" I learnt about Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. Their work and their true friendship. The chapter touched my heart, I loved how they were making the world better. 

From this session I learnt the true meaning of compassion and its importance too.

Pravar Kasma
Grade VII
Gyanshree School

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Compassion - Anvesha Rana

A simple act of kindness can touch million hearts, a simple act of kindness can help people in need and a simple act of kindness can change the world. What we do today, defines who we are tomorrow. Compassion is not a feeling it is an act of kindness, one that forever resides in the heart of those helped. We may ponder upon the fact that is it hard to be compassionate? No, all of us are humane and somewhere in our heart deep down, we do feel empathy but the row to hoe is the effort and the strain in helping someone else. It's just one more mile to go, it's just one more step to take and to make it to the line without a mistake. It's no doubt that kindness also fills the giver with a sense of content yet those who cross the finish line are few. 

Mother Teresa and Princess Diana, the two profounding pillars of compassion, have proven it to the world that it does not take superhuman effort to offer someone pleasure. Mother Teresa was a woman who changed thousands of lives and affected millions by her simply gestures of kindness whereas, Princess Diana had been an inspiration for huge masses of people, her message that AIDS did not spread through touch had been accepted worldwide. 

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Even children have demonstrated acts that could offer a change of heart, a young girl without thinking twice sharing her lunch with her friend or a child getting head shaven just to ensure that her friend with cancer is not uncomfortable in school. These are the actions in our daily life, these are the actions that change the world. 

You don't have to extraordinary to make a difference, but you can become extraordinary by making a difference... 

Anvesha Rana, 

Grade 9-B, 

Gyanshree School. 

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Compassion - Anoushka Vinod

Is Your Child Ready to Face the World? by Doctor Anupam Sibal, my reflection on compassion.

No act of compassion is ever small. By being compassionate, you show the love and care in your 
heart. In our session, we learnt the true meaning of compassion. It is astounding how just a few small acts give you great rewards.

To be compassionate means understanding those who are in 
misfortunate or in need. We learnt about two remarkable ladies. They were Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. Even though they were well known, they didn't let pride overcome their humbleness.

Individuals believe that people with a higher post should be respected and be perfect in every way, but Princess Diana broke this belief and proved to everyone that no one is supreme. We all have our faults, and we can only fix them by being compassionate and humble. That is how she met Mother Teresa. Together, they both made a change in the world. I have learnt that small acts, like helping someone in need, show compassion. To finish off, I would like to say that everyone is equal. The only way to get appreciated and loved is by showing compassion.

Anoushka Vinod
Grade VI
Gyanshree School

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Compassion - Aanya Kumar


In the reading session on 9/1/2022, I understood that compassion is essential for success. 

Take the example of Princess Diana. Princess Diana had been involved in hundreds of charity events. She learnt sign language for the deaf and actively participated in the British Deaf Association. Also, she supported the Royal Marsden Hospital and became the president of Great Ormond Street Hospital for sick children. She was against those who afflicted AIDS and leprosy. 

Sadly she died in 1997. Her works of compassion are always to be remembered. We should be compassionate and help those around us.

Aanya Kumar
Gyanshree School
Grade- V