Showing posts with label Punished. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Punished. Show all posts

Friday, 22 December 2023

The Sour Truth - Tenzin Jambey

We live in a world where the mistake of a man is punished, and a woman's mistake is forgiven. We live in a world where a girl is judged as a good person if she hits a man, and when a boy raises his hands on a girl, the whole society turns against him without even knowing the truth. 

Thinking about life, sometimes my eyes fill up with tears. Why can't society accept the people who have done one wrong? Why do we forget all the good things that he has done? Why does one action of a person have to be judged to know whether he is good or bad? How blind we people have become that we cannot see things beyond what they look.
Life has become so busy that people don't have time to breathe. Why is there so much competition among the human race? Terms like job, money, marksheet, and wealth have taken over humans. A person cannot live his life the way he wants to because everyone—the parents, teachers, and society—is trying to shape the child in the way they want. Why aren't we allowed to create our own future? Why is there so much of a burden regarding studies? Why do parents and teachers expect children to always do good and improve when they know that life doesn't go according to how we want?
Does forcing a child to study more and more make him more intelligent and more talented? Why do the parents and teachers compare the students? We want to be praised for our efforts and hard work, not compared. The school system should be adequately understood. The school is a sphere where we can learn languages and seek knowledge without getting burdened. The things we know from school are supposed to be connected with our surroundings. How can one say he is not intelligent if the child doesn't attend school? There is always a difference between education and literature. If we talk about learning, so many things fly around us that we must catch and analyse them. School teaches us how to answer satisfactorily to older and high-standard people. We work on our skills to fit among the rich and forget the place from which we started our journey. You never look back on the problems you faced, nor do you try to help the people suffering; it's just you and your company in a safe zone. In school, we are made to write essays and stories, not of our choice but of the choices of our teachers. We are given marks for how well we follow our teachers' instructions. We are made to make good points on topics on which we disagree. How will the child say good things about things if he feels they're not good?
In my heart, school is building us to be good workers and good employees who will work diligently without question. We, students, must raise our voices and look for teachers like Sandeep sir and Jugjiv sir who are working on and trying to help us become what we want to be. Even when the teachers in the school compare the students, I wonder why they don't praise us for our efforts and hard work; it's not like we are not working on ourselves.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestalozzi Children's Village, India

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Forgiveness - Tenzin Jambey

In the journey of our lives, we come across many situations that result in the destruction of our peace of mind. Sometimes, we mistakenly hurt someone. It really feels bad when others don't accept your apology and when you are not forgiven for the mistake you made.

We humans are not perfect; we make mistakes as we take every step in our lives. Sometimes, our actions hurt the sentiments of others, which results in the birth of hate in others for us. When we ask for forgiveness from others, some accept it, but some people don't forgive the mistakes made by children. A few days ago, my football went on the roof of the neighbour's house. I went to get it and called out the uncle. He came outside, and I quickly greeted him and said sorry in a polite manner. Still, I ended up getting terribly scolded by him. If I look from one side, what he did was right, as I should have cared for him while playing, as it could have broken the things in his house, but if I were in his place, I would have given the child advice rather than scolding him. When we get scolding from others, it makes us feel a bit restricted, and from now on, we feel a bit scared and down to do things again, like playing. If we don't forgive the mistakes of the younger ones, they will never be able to enjoy their childhood, and they will feel that they have made the biggest mistake, which will affect their minds.
Forgiveness is essential, especially when it comes to children. Through this reflection, we are smart enough to know when to forgive and when not. Forgiveness depends on the situation and dimensions. We know which things should be ignored and which are to be punished. Even though forgiveness stands higher than punishment, humans still follow this practice as we don't have any options, and there are no such questions for forgiveness for the people who willingly indulge in activities like crimes, murders, and rape. Therefore, forgiveness is essential, depending on the situation and people's actions. We should know when and where to forgive and when not.
In the case of children, we must forgive as they will make thousands of mistakes, and they will not do what is right and wrong. They like a mountain lake that is pure and calm, but sometimes, they take the form of hurricanes and irritate others a lot. But this act of theirs makes us feel happy and reminds us of our old days in the future. Someday, forgiveness binds us together. Suppose the neighbour's uncle forgives the kid who broke his window twice or three times and still possesses a sense of forgiveness. In that case, it makes the uncle a hero in the eyes of the kid, and who knows, in the future, the kid will become a famous person and come to visit you with gifts and old-time memories.
The art of forgiveness works differently for different ages of people. The easiest, simplest, and most effective one is forgiving children. I still remember the uncle who returned my football whenever it went into his house. He never got angry, and he did forgive me when I broke his house's window. He used to give me advice, "Child, this is the right time to enjoy and create trouble for others, as in the future you will never get to experience it." His words really reflected upon me. As I take each step daily, I am expected to do well and make the fewest mistakes.

Tenzin Jambey
Pestallozi Children's Village Society
Image Courtesy- Dreamstime