Showing posts with label Rabindranath Tagore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabindranath Tagore. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 November 2022

The Spooky Indian History - Oshi Singh

Image courtesy, used by Oshi Singh for representation only.

It all started on a fine day when the English men made their first visit to India. When we welcomed them to our land, our fields and our culture, unknown what lies ahead. Gradually the visits became more frequent. It was about when they started collecting taxes from peasants and got their Farman issued from Aurangzeb, and in no time, they were writing our destiny, dictating what to do and what not to do. 

The focus of children who went to pathshalas to gain knowledge shifted to scoring. The children who were taught on their pace and capability to grasp a concept now just had a year to understand and do a test on it without knowing or learning the practical usage. Not only that, they were now dealing with India's religious, economic and political matters. The country that invented zero made the first university in the world and already knew that the Earth was round before the world was now called "uncivilized". It was the darkest hour of all Indian's lives but don't you worry because Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Rani Lakshmi Bai and many more heroes were now to rescue! 

The Revolt of 1857, The national movement and the Dandi March were some events that changed Indian history. How can we forget 26 November 1949, the day when the Indian Constitution's draft was finally ready, and precisely within 2 months, we had our Constitution ready. Although we lost some of our brothers and sisters on the way. We were now an independent and free nation. 

We have come a long way. About 72 years ago, people discussed giving everyone equality, uplifting minorities and universal adult franchise but look around you now. What do you see? The misuse of all these rights granted to us. The rights which people who might have no relation with you were fighting just so you and the future generations don't need to struggle like them. So that everybody can express their true selves but what we see nowadays is people telling or instead yelling at each other and claiming that they have the right to free speech, so they can speak pretty much everything that comes to their mind. 

Now, why don't you it some time and thought? Is it really fair? Fair to those who fought and put their lives and family at stake on a hanging cliff just for us. No right? So why don't we promise to cherish and respect these noble souls for all they have done for us and never misuse these rights given to us, all thanks to them. As the saying goes... 

"Always respect what you  have before life teaches you to love what you have."

Oshi Singh
Gyanshree School 

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Spirituality - Rishona Chopra

Spirituality is not about praying to God or meditation. It is about the values we inculcate in ourselves. Humility, Hope, Love, Happiness, and all other values. It is being free from all clutter and learning to control our minds. 

Spirituality is also about connecting to God, not through prayers but through our minds, talking to them as if they were our parents, our closest friends who wouldn't reveal our secrets to anyone. Whenever I am worried about a test or upset or angry, I try to talk to God by just speaking out all my feelings in my mind. You don't need to go to a temple or even pray.

Leave this chanting and singing and telling of beads!
Whom dost thou worship in this lonely dark corner of a temple with shut doors?
Open thine eyes and see thy God is not before thee!
He is there where the tiller is tilling the hard ground, and the path maker is breaking stones.
He is with them in the sun and in the shower,
and his garment is covered with dust.
Put off thy holy mantle and, like him, come down on the dusty soil!
Where is this deliverance to be found?
Our master himself has joyfully taken upon him the bonds of creation;
he is bound with us all forever.
Come out of thy meditations and leave aside thy flowers and incense!
What harm is there if thy clothes become tattered and stained?
Meet and stand by him in toil and the sweat of thy brow.
- Rabindranath Tagore 

This is a poem by Rabindranath Tagore which tells us how to connect with God and the meaning of spirituality.

Rishona Chopra  
Grade VI 
Gyanshree School 

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Why Go To School ? - Anvesha Rana

All of us go to school, where we learn and grow. Most of us love to go there, some don’t, and others just despise the idea of a school, but do we even know the latent purpose of the place we have been attending since our childhood? Many believe that schools are where students study, but they are beyond that. Schools are abodes of knowledge where students learn under the direction of teachers. Schools are more than academics. They are about encouraging sports, promoting service and initiating skill. The real purpose should ignite lifelong curiosity and make every child a lifelong learner. If any person has the will to learn, the fire to know, and the desire to succeed, they are unstoppable. 

A School should value each child who knocks at the door to seek knowledge. The school should not become a matter of marks, subjects or grades. Instead, it should be a journey for each individual to mould themselves into perfect works of art to discover their true identity and passion. Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. If we start taking an interest in daily education, not just in school but outside the school boundaries, utilize life as much as we can, we will never miss an opportunity to learn something new. Be it a new dish, a new skill, a new dance, a new craft, etc., the passion for knowing everything will always run in us, which is when passion will meet education.

Schools are not just for students to discover their true self; some teachers can also realize their self-creation at schools. Teaching is one of the most beautiful professions, where students never run out of questions and teachers always have an excellent reply to each one. Happy teachers are one of the most integral aspects of making a Good School. Educators and teachers also launch themselves on a path of self-discovery whilst providing education to many.  

All schools have different visions, missions and philosophies. For instance, Shanti Niketan, a school by Rabindranath Tagore, had a task for education for better concept clarity and understanding of topics. It was a different school and was one of the best in its league. Similarly, schools should stand out with some striking features, making parents choose them for their children. 

To sum it all up, a school is not just a brick-and-mortar structure but a haven of knowledge, safety, friendship, learning, and happiness. School is an environment for improvement, which any individual can create within themselves through ‘ The School Of Life.’

Anvesha Rana, 
Grade 10 - B, 
Gyanshree School